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Some Rap BarZ


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Congrats to Gustav and Spartan on their new posith, that's swell

How long will they stay that way? Only time will tell

I can't tell which group is more inactive, the commish or the entire EFL


Dc is mid? That's what I'm hearing everyone say

We should cut ties with them like Josh did the SBA

The other nights draft stream was mid, it was bland

Eno ran it, so you can call it on brand


Next season I'm beating Warsaw's face in, smashing their nose in like a pug

I can only think of one worse predator and his name was D***

Upon further review I'm not allowed to say that

The VHL's ran by the same 3 people, the Best people here but socially distanced, and they go way back

Upon further review my bans been extended

How the fuck are you head mod and still get yourself suspended?


Yo, she's not a bad mod but let's not forget

The only reason Sam is purple right now is because a fake member threw a fake fit

Now, that doesn't take away from her achievements

But the VHL doesn't care anything until somebody makes them, and they never mean it


The leagues worst member, yea you can call that Rory

Bek is changing teams every season, chasing a cup, call that whorey

Contiental cups? Yeah those are for me

The only reason Dil has a job is because he's down on both knees


Edited by Hogan
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