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Vegas off to roughly the expected start


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With the drafting strategy I went for I'd say we've started about as I'd expect. Going for low TPE high earning players and making sure we have all bases covered being sort of the core of this draft for me. Which means we just don't have the TPE to reach critical mass for what we are trying to do just yet, but having all the pieces we need to get there by the point in the season where it will matter.


For now we are really, really struggling on the PP though, it took us something like 15 attempts to get our first PP goal, that's just incredibly unfortunate. Under any circumstances, really. Sure part of it is that we need our 4th forward to hit that 150 TPE range or so, which with the week Wann Kerr @VattghernCZ is about to have, shouldn't be too long. We also need our 1D to get into that 150-200 range to really fill out our PP roster, and just roster in general. But with Jens Lekman @Bobcat putting in a 22 TPE week, that's also just a matter of time.


So I'm super excited for the team Vegas will be around mid season, because I feel like we'll have pretty much all bases covered by then, as long as I can find the right setup for the PP to get going, and considering we've had some of the better PP% in the league over the last two seasons. I feel relatively confident that I'll crack the code at some point in the season to get us into that 20-25% range that I'm looking for.

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