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General Managing In The VHLM


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General Managing In The VHLM




The Draft Phase:


Drafting is one of the most important parts of GMing in the VHLM. It can literally make or break your team. Although drafting top rated prospects is essential in the draft phase, almost anyone can do this. The harder stuff comes in when you're left with lesser known players, you have to figure out which individuals will be able to stay active to contribute to the team’s success. I can't think of anything that feels worse than drafting a player that is or will be IA when it comes time to play in the regular season. This is why scouting comes in handy, being able to find out which players will mesh within your team just from a small interview is a skill that a GM should have to be successful in the VHLM. 


Waivers and Free Agents:


Waiver’s are also an incredibly important subject in the VHLM in a variety of ways. When an individual makes a player, it creates a wide array of opportunities for every team in the league. Being able to sign a few players throughout the season can do wonders for a team trying to make a push. While making teams that were thought to be out of the competitive picture, get back into it. Which is why you want to get as many waiver pickups as you can. Meaning that you have to be ready to pounce and get out your waiver pitches as quickly as possible when a new player is created. Then make the waiver pitch nice and eye-catching, and pray to god that the player picks your team. 




Although you’ve already done the bulk of putting your team together with Waivers and Drafting, we are still not quite there for a Founder’s Cup. Being able to create lines equally and fair, while putting out the most competitive you can is one thing VHLM GMs have to remind themselves of. It does wonders for retention, giving players ice time helps them keep checking in to see how their players are doing, keeping them around longer. 




Although we’ve got a chunk of what VHLM GMing is, there are still topics that have yet to be discussed. Things such as locker room activity is incredibly important if you want a functional team that is interested in the league. Without keeping individuals engaged in the locker room newcomers find it hard to get their foot in the door for what awaits them further down the line in the VHL. 


Build Help is also another thing that is something that is important within every team. We can’t expect everyone to know what they are doing, I know I didn’t when I was first starting out. Being able to keep in touch with player’s on how they are planning to build their player up helps the individual learn and become more informed on how the league works. 


There you have it! These are just some of the many key points I have for GMing in the VHLM. I look forward to seeing how the VHLM season plays out after the trade deadline!

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I've read a few things posted that mention retention of users being an issue on many aspects of the site.  I made sure to look around first before creating a player to see if this was something I would be interested investing time into so that I wasn't putting a team out if I joined.  Hard enough to get waiver players to sign, so signing one that goes MIA would be frustrating.  Drafting one would be even worse.

Edited by Triller
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