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der meister

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I'm frustrated. Not just about my lack of success in the VHL, though that certainly doesn't help. I'm tired, too, which clearly isn't helping. 


I was supposed to take my 15 year old to their first concert tonight, but the artist has covid and had to postpone. 


I watched chunks of the January 6th committee hearing yesterday, and I'm frustrated that one-half of the people in charge, politically-speaking, wants to destroy the country and install a fascist dictator - the bad faith arguments and inflammatory rhetoric have already led to people dying, and its only going to get worse. 


We got a dog at the beginning of last summer, against my wishes, and while he's lovely in some ways, he's also a pain in the ass and ruining my sleep patterns since my wife decided he can sleep on our bed.


So when I come here and see my shutdown defenseman is a -2 with 0 hits and 1 blocked shot across two games, it doesn't give me the warm and fuzzy feeling I want from my VHL experience, my escape from reality.

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