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Trivia is trivial?


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The last time I was an assistant general manager was also the last time we had the great trivia debate or debacle which I may or may not have been at the center of. So, I was surprised to see that we are once again talking about trivia.

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(Insert the practice rant here)

I was going to state that trivia was fixed as far as I was concerned with every user getting different trivia per week with the assuming that no answer sharing was allowed but help was always given to those who deserved it. Nope, that was Hogwarts quote!! LOL! But in seriousness help would be granted and I know I have been told this many of times but like the dumb brick wall I am too proud to ask for help. I also pride myself in finding the answer when I feel I know where they are but simple cannot find the smoking gun thorough my own raging fits of frustration.


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In the end I also feel after spending close to an hour looking for an answer to two simple questions by hunting through spreadsheet after spreadsheet to locate the answers. While I understand and sometime enjoy the hunt for the answer, most I feel won`t bother with such difficult questions. There needs to be a change to the type of questions or where we have users look for the answers as while they shouldn`t be easy they shouldn`t take a hour of spreadsheet diving either.

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Without a change I think we are going to see Trivia become trivial as other TPE task are become simply easier, faster and more likely you are going to have to complete anyways if you decided to rage guess, quit or answer the trivia wrong anyways. Save yourself time click the trivia button if an easy question, then answer but if hard then simple do another task.


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Sharing answer is what most thought I was going to talk about or the mods, but nope I stay clear of that but I also understand why some are starting to share again.


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352 words.

Edited by Gaikoku-hito
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It is also extremely frustrating (especially for newer players, who are not aware of this) if certain data in the portal cannot be trusted and the 'real' answer is buried in one of the aforementioned spreadsheets.

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  • Commissioner
2 hours ago, Gaikoku-hito said:

There needs to be a change to the type of questions or where we have users look for the answers as while they shouldn`t be easy they shouldn`t take a hour of spreadsheet diving either.

9/10 times the answer is "go to the HoF section on the forum and there's an obvious spreadsheet that shows it." There are a couple of questions that are arguably a tad bit too hard but on the whole nothing should be taking you close to an hour to find.


2 hours ago, Gaikoku-hito said:

but like the dumb brick wall I am too proud to ask for help.

Then that sounds like a you problem :P . A little harsh I know but the point is that if you are refusing to ask for help on questions you find hard is the answer "make the questions easier" or is the answer "use the resources available to you?" I would wager the latter.

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3 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

It is also extremely frustrating (especially for newer players, who are not aware of this) if certain data in the portal cannot be trusted and the 'real' answer is buried in one of the aforementioned spreadsheets.

I am 100% sure a newer player wouldn`t have been able to answer the question that I got tonight as it meant you needed to know the answer was available in the History section of the forums in one of the different spreadsheets. Like I said it took me close to an hour to find the answer since I was stupid enough to keep going back to the same threads and spreadsheets over and over. I think I might have actually found it by accident right where I knew it would be. LOL!!


Second one has two different answers actually since the portal doesn`t match the actual spreadsheet on the forum about NYA GM play-offs something or other without a cup.

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26 minutes ago, Beketov said:

9/10 times the answer is "go to the HoF section on the forum and there's an obvious spreadsheet that shows it." There are a couple of questions that are arguably a tad bit too hard but on the whole nothing should be taking you close to an hour to find.

season 4 cupcake GIF

Me hunting for the answers!! LOL!!

28 minutes ago, Beketov said:

Then that sounds like a you problem :P . A little harsh I know but the point is that if you are refusing to ask for help on questions you find hard is the answer "make the questions easier" or is the answer "use the resources available to you?" I would wager the latter.

Yes!! I know it is a me issue!!

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  • Commissioner
27 minutes ago, Gaikoku-hito said:

Second one has two different answers actually since the portal doesn`t match the actual spreadsheet on the forum about NYA GM play-offs something or other without a cup.

We should probably just put a disclaimer on trivia stating "if there is a discrepancy between an answer on the portal and on the forum; the forum is correct" but that assumes people even look in both places.


Not that you asked but a lot of the time the reason for those discrepancies is because the portal is based on STHS databases which we didn't have for a pile of seasons so we had to try and rebuild them which led to some problems in certain seasons and a fun notable issue in that there are two players named Brick Wahl so their stats are just listed doubled up, or at least they were (maybe we fixed that). Anyway point is the forum was just manual stuff added up over the years, usually by @Victor , and not fighting with a database meant it was much easier to get right plus we can track things that obviously STHS doesn't track.

29 minutes ago, Gaikoku-hito said:

I got tonight as it meant you needed to know the answer was available in the History section of the forums in one of the different spreadsheets. Like I said it took me close to an hour to find the answer since I was stupid enough to keep going back to the same threads and spreadsheets over and over.

Legit curious which question this was.

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On my phone so might have issues but the question was how many players over an eight season career has never missed the playoffs. I remember the answer is in VHL history and one of the two spreadsheets for playoffs on fourth or fifth table. But if I remember correctly it not in the players stats playoff spreadsheet but the team or all incompassing playoff spreadsheet. 


I kept going to the player stats playoff sheet for some reason.


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