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Time to reset


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Well it's that time of the year, the off season. The time we all reset, build up our players and hope for a better result in the next campaign. It was a mostly positive season for Malmo. We got a few players earning a bit more to better the team and their players. The boss man made some changes and was actively working on strategies to find that magic combination that would make us champs. Well that didn't work out in the end but we had the mental drive to get it done. We were just lacking a bit in the skill department. Skilled players are what you need to make it to the finals at least. From there some other Voodoo takes over and skill levels seem to be thrown out the window. It's anyone's series at that point. That's what makes the VHL so fun to be in.


Everyone have fun in this off season and stay safe.

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Article Review:


Steve quickly touches on the expectations of the off season, A time to reset, gather some TPE and look forward to the next season. He also recognizes that there is only so much that can be done and the remainder is left in the hands of SIMON. Voodoo, a level of mystic unknown may be the best way to describe SIMON.  Get some rest Steve, reset, recharge and make another sacrifice to the SIMON GOD, maybe you can move the Voodoo in your favor.

8/10 for the article.

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