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A sad day


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A Sad Day 


The Frenchman has a hard time getting in a good flow this season and is outscored by almost everyone on the Riga Reign. But beside his lousy play, yesterday was a sad day in the life of Frenchie as one of his childhood hero’s died. 


Jason David Frank, known to most as the Green power ranger (but also played white/red and black in other shows) passed away, reportedly to suicide. This made the frenchman actually sad as he still wanted to meet him. He had the chance back in 2018, but he does not remember why he in the end didn’t went to see him at the con. Could have been other arrangements, or just not having the money at the time, but it’s too long ago and now it’s too late. 

The news hit the Frenchman hard and he is still thinking about it, especially since it apparently was a suicide. It comes the day after the frenchman went to Dutch Comic Con and spoke to Stephen Amell, who even has his own charity to support mental health in Sincerious and mentioned to him how great he thinks it is that he's doing this to raise awareness. 



Mental health issues can happen to anyone, so please people take your own mental health serious, as before you know it, you can find yourself in a dark place.

Jason David Frank, I hope you are in a better place now, you always been a hero to me. 

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