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Another Berocka Suggestion


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Hi all of the victory hockey league. Welcome to another Berocka suggests an idea that will help the VHL but it will be ignored for 6 months until someone else comes up with the idea and they get the recognition. 


Today I will be talking about an easier way for updaters and players in general. 


I don't know about you but the worst thing for me is when you get tagged in the claim thread for the VHL fantasy and there are so many lines and you need to find your name and what tpe it's worth. Then you submit that as an update and then an updater needs to find your name and then make sure you've claimed the right amount of tpe. Then after this long strenuous process you can finally apply your tpe.


My proposal to the great blues and bogs of the league. An automatic update, youloser1337 already submits all the information into the forums I have a potential fix. Firstly I am going to assume this is how the tpe is calculated. As everything is submitted in a Google form I assume that this is then exported into a Google sheet (spreadsheet program) there are then an answer key added once the games have been played and then using formulas calculates everyone's tpe. This is then sorted I'm descending order and then alphabetical information then using that information is typed out into the forums. @youloser1337 if it is more manual than that let me know and I'll see if I can assist you. Here is my proposal surely there is a reasonable way that the amounts from the spreadsheet are able to be imported into the forums as an automatic update this removing the manual import of the youloser, the player and an updater. If this is not achievable I apologise for wasting everyone's time but surely there is a way to make this happen.


Here are a few questions I have guessed people might ask.


1. What if I don't want to claim the tpe?


A. firstly don't enter something if you don't want the tpe, secondly if it is actually a problem maybe we implement something like the trivia tpe where you have it pending and you click a button to claim it in the week you want and it'll expire after one week or something.


2. Wow what a great proposal do you have any other great ideas?


A. Well this method could apply to the VHFL, I am unsure about who is running it at the moment but I know Spartan had the information on a spreadsheet and if there was some sort of improt function this could be used for VHFL as well. 


I also think that an export of players on the first game after the trade deadline could be then used to automatically apply experience after the cup is decided. This is because players can no longer change teams after the trade deadline so this should be the finalised rosters. So they would all be on the correct teams and you could assign the correct experience to each player.


3. What if there is a mistake or I type my username incorrectly?


A. Well the way we have already been doing it could be used in the rare occurrence something goes wrong. 



So there you go. If anyone wants to become VHL famous save this article and bring it up in 6 months.


Thank you all.


@bog @commissioners


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48 minutes ago, Berocka said:

A. Well this method could apply to the VHFL, I am unsure about who is running it at the moment but I know Spartan had the information on a spreadsheet and if there was some sort of improt function this could be used for VHFL as well. 

Barzal is running the show at the moment.

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2 hours ago, Berocka said:

Here is my proposal surely there is a reasonable way that the amounts from the spreadsheet are able to be imported into the forums as an automatic update this removing the manual import of the youloser, the player and an updater.

Maybe I’m just overtired but I’m not sure I follow. How does having it update on the forum side automatically make it any easier? Saves loser some time I guess but doesn’t make it any easier to find your name does it?


It’s far more work to set up, especially with Josh currently away (I already tagged him once today for this, no reason to do it again) but a portal implementation would surely be a cleaner solution. Much like trivia really. Beginning of the week Loser sets the questions up, can even still go tag those that want the tag every time. Once set users just make their selections on the portal instead of Google forms and then at the end of the week the correct answers are plugged in and anyone that had it right is automatically awarded the TPE. No giant tag list to claim from, no updater involvement needed, less work all around.


With that said I believe that has been our eventual goal for awhile now, implementing it is a bigger issue mind you.

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6 hours ago, Beketov said:

How does having it update on the forum side automatically make it any easier? Saves loser some time I guess but doesn’t make it any easier to find your name does it?

I meant portal.


The whole idea is that VHFL fantasy zone and experience claimed like trivia. Takes the pressure off of updaters


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17 minutes ago, Berocka said:

I meant portal.


The whole idea is that VHFL fantasy zone and experience claimed like trivia. Takes the pressure off of updaters


So you would want me to input the tpe winners through the portal?

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