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The vhle playoffs but as a dramatic story:




The Istanbul red wolves took on the Oslo storm. Possibly one of the weakest performances we saw in these playoffs. Istanbul never stood a chance. The wolves ran for hiding as the storm rolled through. But nowhere they hid could save them from the destruction that this storm was bound to make. Wolf by Wolf in the pack was killed off. After the pack's alpha was killed there was nothing else left they could do. No fight was left in them as they had lost the one thing keeping them together. Within hours of the storm's arrival, the wolves fell victim and lay lifeless on the ground.




The first semi-finals match ended with alot of disaster. The Oslo storm took on the cologne express and let me tell you… the end wasn't pretty. Cologne tried to keep their wheels on the track through the whirling winds and bangs of thunder of the storm but they couldn’t. This ended in disaster. The train derailed into a crowd of loving fans, withstanding the storm as they cheered on their favorite team. As it came crashing into the crowd the train couldn’t be controlled and spun out into a wall. It lit up in flames as the hopes and dreams of a cup came to an end. The storm's thunder grew louder as if it was cheering for the defeat of its enemy.


The second semifinal was between the Rome gladiators and the Bratislava watchmen. Bratislava got caught watching too much as the gladiators came to attack their kingdom. Instead of standing ready to go and fighting back they sat and waited and watched in horror. They tried to crawl their way back into the war but it didn't work. It was too late and the watchman's shift of overseeing came to an end. They had lost, there was no more watching to be done.


The finals:


The final battle was back and forth left and right no one knew what was coming next. The storm felt as powerful as ever. The gladiators never felt so fierce. At first, it looked like the storm was no match for the gladiators as they pushed their way toward Oslo. Ready to overthrow yet another nation. But the storm took that personally, they rallied together and started to gain back strength. It was scary as they pushed their way back into the series one thunderous clap at a time. With each win, a louder boom could be heard. The gladiators were back on their heels. They went from feeling mighty to feeling weak. They were pushed further and further back toward Rome. The storm was only gaining power as it moved further and further away from its home and towards its new target: ROME. Building by building, piece by piece Rome was destroyed until all that was left were the few gladiators on the street. They had no chance. Shelter? None. Food? Gone. They had gone from conquering the world to being destroyed by the most powerful storm this world had seen. Within minutes the last gladiators dead and the storm was victorious. Thunderous roars came from the sky, and flashes of lightning in the sky were like a firework show to celebrate the storm's win.





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