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Payne's rivalries


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Yay for Theme Doubles Week as I bank toward my inevitable depreciation next season.   As I rack my brain I try to remember all the rivalries I have had since my first season in the VHLM.  I remember being part of a stacked San Diego Marlins team we went head to head with tough Las Vegas Aces and Philadelphia Reapers clubs. I was so new at the time and freaking out about how to get TPE, claim properly, and navigate the forum and discord I didn’t take the time to appreciate the rivalries and now that I am established a bit more on how this works I do take more time to respect a good rivalry. So here we go!



Ok Thunder @Thunder and I are friends in real life, and I recruited him to this league.  He has taken off to become an award-winning defenseman and is always in the conversation for defensive awards and is a great TPE earner.  Now with all that good being said about him I (Brian Payne) wants to smash his face on the ice.  We had one fight two seasons ago and Thunder came out on top.  Look, anyone can get caught with a lucky one but since then it’s been non-stop shit talk from Thunder and the SIM gods have forbidden a rematch as of yet.  So, I usually wish the best for Thunder until we play Davos then I want him to completely shit the bed!  Now, get ready for not so witty response to this post I am sure from Thunder....  



Ok this is a different kind of rivalry as the whole damn conference is good and the amount of lead changes from 1st to 6th is insane.  Moscow, Davos, Warsaw, Riga, London, Prague, and Malmo area all competitive for playoff spots right now and each week shows a huge swing in the standings.  I’d say over the course of my VHL career, Moscow has been the main stay rivalry team as they are just freaking good every year. Huge credit to the club management @Spartan  for drafting-trading to keep such a powerhouse club.  Overall, I think the EU is chalk full of rivalries just buy the sheer competitiveness of the division.  



Not many people have been as helpful to my development as BoJo @Shindigs.  We played against each other in the VHLM where he dominated.  We then became teammates in the VHLE for Bratislava where he dominated while Payne was MEH.  BoJo was always helping me develop Payne into a better defenseman.  After our year in the E we moved on to the VHL where BoJo again hit the ground running and I improved slowly.  As the years have gone on we have developed not so much of a rivalry but a healthy competitiveness against each other.  I always root for BoJo, expect when he plays Warsaw.  Now I think we all can agree BoJo is a potential hall of famer while Payne isn’t but it’s always exciting to play against a mentor and maybe get a win or two every now and then.  






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6 minutes ago, Thunder said:

No shit scurvy!!  I finally get to trash talk for some benefit!!  Too bad Rip “Jimmy” isnt developed yet…. BTW. Your graphic is pretty cool.  I know you didnt do it.   Who’d you pay?

OrbitingDeath did it.   I am way too stupid to know how to do graphics

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