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Every Stockholm @ Geneva game this season went to a shootout


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The Stockholm Vikings and Geneva Rush have ten scheduled games against each other, five in each city. They have already played out all of the games in Geneva, and every single one of them went to a shootout. This just seems so ridiculously improbably that I deemed it worthy of a VHL.com article (note: literally anything can be a VHL.com article so that means nothing and I'm just filling words that I don't need to, because this will inevitably end up being like 400+ words like half of my VHL.com articles end up being). What a waste of words that last sentence was, huh?


So anyway, let's take a look at how the players have fared in those shootouts.


The goaltenders in all five shootouts were Jean Mercier for Geneva and Travis Clark for Stockholm. Mercier performed much better, stopped 12/15 while Clark stopped only 7/14. With that large of disparity in goals allowed, it's no surprise that Geneva won 4 of the 5 games. The leading scorer is Kobe Johnson, who scored on 3 of 5 attempts for the Rush. Jeffrey Bezos for the Vikings has found that money can't buy you a shootout goal, going 0 for 5 in his endeavors. Listed below are the stats for the shooters.



Thor Odinsson (1/5)

Jeffrey Bezos (0/5)

Johnny Kalamazoo (2/4)

Logan Foley (0/1)



Leonard Triller (2/5)

Kobe Johnson (3/5)

Luke Glendenning (1/3)

Matt Rooster (1/1)


The stats in the shootouts mean very little to me. It just seems bonkers to me that every Stockholm @ Geneva game ended in a shootout. Even though the matchups went 4-1 in favor of Geneva, it really doesn't get much closer than this.

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