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Logan Foley sends another email to his folks


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 Dear Mom and Dad:


 Hey it's me Logan again! It's been an interesting few days here in Stockholm, but I'm actually enjoying myself here. The country roads are way more relaxing then the craziness of New York traffic, and I just enjoy looking at all the culture that is around me right now. I hope that you all are doing well, and I am really glad Dad's health scare ended up being a false alarm. Still, I would be careful and make sure his is still alright during these next few weeks, as we never know when something like that might flair up again.


 Maybe limit his caffeine intake so his heart will be ok? I know that's hypocritical coming from a coffee nut like me, but still. Another thing that I want to tell you is that I actually found a nice girl! Yes I know that my last girlfriend did not go so well, but this girl is extremely nice and I think this will go way better then last time. Her name is Izumi Saito, and she is a reporter from Japan who moved here to report on hockey games. I know, she has a perfect profession to complement what I do! Anyways, I hope you too are well and I hope to see you during the off-season.


 Your son, Logan.

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