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Sunday Bulletz 3/5


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  • Ottawa Lynx passed the first round of playoffs with a 3-1 win over the Halifax 21st. Analfist played well in the four games of the first round. He notched 3 goals with one of them being a Game Winner.  We are set to face Miami in the second round, which should be a difficult match-up, but we should be able to pull another series out, I think. Looking forward to getting drafted and joining a VHL team in the next few weeks, though.
  • A bunch of GM opening happening. DC is interesting, as I didn't think @Enorama was looking to step down this season. I joined the Dragons with Benny Graves, and has the pleasure to play for him for an entire 8 career season. Really great member and an awesome GM. Hope Eno sticks around and finds some enjoyment in having a player. I don't really know the situation, but obviously wish him the best. @Dil also left, a little more abruptly. I would have liked the chance to played for him in London, but looks like it just wasn't in the cards. It is interesting in case either of those teams have a lotto pick that would end up selecting my player in the upcoming draft. 
  • Another week in the books. Was pretty snowy where I live, so basically been shoveling for the past 3 days. There's some changes at work that we have to look forward to for the spring, but other than that, just trying to get through the last part of winter. At least we have the Masters to look forward to in the next few weeks.
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