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Brendan Marner's amazing season and future


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Brendan Marner had another amazing year, it started off with a bang, and ended just as good. Although he lost the goals lead on the season, he toped the league in point this season, after 3 seasons of being in the shadow of the leader. Brendan Marner will be getting ready for next season, but not before admiring these recent accomplishments. He’s never been one to care for personal trophies, but the feeling is still pretty cool for a guy who’s never won a personal trophy. Warsaws playoffs ended before it even started, with the poor play, it was a real let down for the team and Marner as for his second last season, was expecting to go on a deep playoff run. However Marner is on the last season before retirement and on a 1 year no movement clause in Warsaw he is expecting big outcomes. He would like to collect one more Championship win, so he will be working extra hard to make it.

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