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Eagles misses 2 weeks of practice


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Henry Eagles has missed the last 2 weeks of team practice   and called in his Welfare points with the team.

Many are wondering what this means but there is a good reason behind Henry not being able to attend in the last 2 weeks.


" It was my son's first birthday and we have been preparing and celebrating over the last 2 weeks, it has been a hectic time and I was unable to give 100% commitment to practice so I took the time off. I will be back on track and back in practice starting next week"

With the new season just a few weeks away, many are hoping Henry, has enough time to get back into game shape and help lead the Wolves next season. The Wolves have made some off-season moves as they prepare for the next season and many fans will be hoping that the moves as well as Eagles playing at his best will help lead them to another top season finish and a long playoff run.

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Oh, No!! What are we ever going to do with you claiming welfare for two weeks due to a more then good reason. Not even mentioning you claimed everything else and actually only miss a whole 2TPE!! LOL!! I guess I better tell Frank and we will need to find you a new home sooner then later!! LOL!


18 hours ago, Greg_Di said:

my son's first birthday

How did the birthday go? I am guessing lots of toys and family but it could make for an interesting story if you don`t mind sharing. Also enjoy it as they grow fast!!

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5 hours ago, Gaikoku-hito said:

Oh, No!! What are we ever going to do with you claiming welfare for two weeks due to a more then good reason. Not even mentioning you claimed everything else and actually only miss a whole 2TPE!! LOL!! I guess I better tell Frank and we will need to find you a new home sooner then later!! LOL!


How did the birthday go? I am guessing lots of toys and family but it could make for an interesting story if you don`t mind sharing. Also enjoy it as they grow fast!!

We actually had 2 birthdays for him which was hectic. One just strictly for family and the other one for all his friends. Family was about 16 people and his friends was about 30. Family one we did at home and the friends one we did at an indoor little kids playground type of venue. Lots of gifts, lots of fun but way too many screaming kids :P haha

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