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Around the League


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For this week’s Around the League in 500 words I figured I’d cover the current race to playoffs in VHL, honoring two Predator legends, , and check in on Rip Wheeler’s effort thus far.


Continental Cup Race

At around the 50-game mark VHL clubs in the EU and NA are in a desperate and close race to the gain playoff spots.  In the NA conference Chicago and Seattle are battling back and forth for the top spot and I see overall leader change weekly.  Don’t sleep on Calgary, LA, and Vancouver either as they all can put up numbers quick and who knows what trades could happen that could bring those 3,4,5 clubs to the forefront.   Overall, I predict Chicago to pull ahead and win the division.


As per usual in the EU, crazy shit is happening.  Last year playoff surprise club, Riga, is in last place, a tough and usually high scoring Warsaw is in 2nd to last, while Prague and London have launched their way into a definite playoff spot.  Prague was my last year’s underrated club and I am not surprised to see them killing the division.  They are tough in goal, offense, and D so I am happy to see their success.  Meanwhile, Davos, London, Helsinki, and Moscow are all still very competitive clubs and if we know something about the EU is that no division lead is safe.  

I predict Prague to win division. 


Marner and Kisslinger set Pred records

Its official, Brendan Marner @MetalToday and Zach Kisslinger @Kisslinger are Warsaw royalty!  As of this season they have officially become the #1 and #2 all time scorers for the club as well as #1 and 2 in hits.  These two warriors have been a cornerstone in the last 8 season for a club that has known mostly success.  They are both set to retire at the end of the season and its looking like Warsaw might not make the post season.  Sad to see if they don’t.  Marner is currently siting #1 in points this season with 80 so I am hoping he can win a scoring title in his final year. 

Zach Kisslinger:  554 games 227 G 424 A 701 pts 1690 hits

Brendan Marner: 482 g        281 G 376 A 657 pts.  1550 hits


Great job you two and I have been proud to be on the same club with you both!  PAYNE


RIP “MFING” Wheeler

OK…so partly this is to get Rip @ScottyPScott focused on earning as we were “working” the other day and I asked him if he had done his point tasks.  I saw the dumbfounded, somewhat dullard look on his face and knew that he hadn’t.  Not only didn’t he do his tasks, the dumdum said  forgot to even do welfare.  It happens.  But, as I look at his updates I have to say I am pretty proud of my recruit thus far.  He is playing for a 4th place Oslo club with quite a few forwards.  He currently sits at 311 TPE and has 12 G 17 A 29 PTS in 52 games. Not great numbers but lots of room for improvement.   He does have a decent total of hits with 146 but only 7 blocked shots!!!!   C’mon Rip, don’t be afraid to get in front of something, this isn’t powder puff!  @Thunder is going to clown you for that number.   I am rooting for Rip to keep earning so I can play against him in the VHL next season....and smash his face. 


Happy May everyone! 

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Rip, come on. That’s futching embarrassing. How can you even consider yourself a hockey player with 7 shots blocked.  Get off your ass and load up some TPE. Scurvy was right, I’d be calling you out on this play.  JIMMY HURDSTROM.  It’s official.  No more rip.  Change your name NOW. @ScottyP

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