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A Theoretical Addition to the VHLM Waiver System


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nurx's article questioning the VHLM's waiver wire system has started up an serious discussion mostly among the VHLM GMs. I have been paying attention to the open dialog and an idea poped in my head. This idea might fix some of the problems of the current waiver wire system or at the very least make things a bit more complicated. My idea is that GMs would have the power to sign one of their waiver wire players going into the next VHLM draft in exchange for loosing one of their picks in that season draft. This gimmick essentially combines the franchise tag of NFL with the restricted free agency of the NHL. Like RFA, the pick given up is based on a teer system. Above 100 TPE equals a 3rd, above 150 TPE equals a 2nd, above 175 equals a 1st, or something like that. Also you must use your own picks as tribute, not other teams picks. Like the franchise tag the player would stay with the team for one season and afterwards they would become a free agent unless they move up the the E. Also, you can only sign one player per season in this manner, meaning other teams waiver players go to the draft. This in theory allows teams with few waiver players to keep players they want while forcing teams with many waiver players to spread them out over the league.if you need an example,let me know and I will provide one below. This supplemental article is too big already.

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It's not a bad idea, but it would more than likely create less parody, and we'd see a lot more teams go back-to-back just keeping the same roster. I do like the idea however, the only way I can see it not being effective is a lot of the time, teams will pick a previous waiver addition in the draft anyways, so the teams that don't get a lot of waivers end up with the same players anyways.


The bracket system is also nice, but I think the ranges are a little too high, it's overpowered to have someone at 149 tpe and only spend a third on them when a player like that would be a 1st rounder if they're active. And It's honestly only a matter of time until someone abuses that and tells the member to not claim in order to keep a higher draft pick


Honestly I'd be interested to see how this works in a real scenario

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Spartan and I actually briefly talked about pretty much this EXACT idea about 2 weeks ago. A brief rundown of why we didn't immediately put it through is this:


  • I'd rather see this with people creating after the trade deadline and becoming members of the next VHL draft class, as those players have less time to adjust to the league as a whole on their first team. That said, we don't see all that many super hot first-gens creating after deadlines because recruitment drives tend to come closer to drafts. This likely wouldn't be very effective.
  • We'd see more players eligible for this before the deadline, but then this doesn't cover the players who create on the shortest notice. It would also likely lead to lots of cases of GMs going for capped or close-to-capped players that don't need the "extra development" this rule would be intended to give.


I do think there's room for development with this; we just have some challenges with approving it straight-up that would require a bit of thought.

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