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The London United and Siyan Yasilievich pulling off the impossible?


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The London United and Siyan Yasilievich pulling off the impossible?




Game 7


The London United coming into this season didn't have the highest expectations, but one thing was for sure and that was to at least get to the playoffs. London has never won a playoff series heading into the season and the goal ultimately was to break this and with Yasilievich being traded to London, with many other moves, it seemed like it could be a possibility. London ended up making the playoffs, taking down Riga and breaking the curse, but there was much more. London would then take down the favorites in the European Conference in the Prague Phantoms and found themselves in the conference finals against HC Davos Dynamo. Siyan knew this team too well, in which he was just dealt from Davos to London and it was going to be a battle for the ages, where only one could become the victor. The series was back and forth with eventually London staring down the jaws of defeat, where they found themselves at a 3-2 deficit. The theme for London this entire playoffs was just "X more wins is all we need." At this point, they only needed 6 more wins to become the cup champions, but they'd have to go back to back against a very strong Davos team. London would end up taking Game 6 and forcing a Game 7, where Siyan would have to return to Davos and he knew that his entire career had built up to this point. He was facing down against his old team, his old general manager, his old friends, his old fans, and the team that made him who he is today. The game started with Davos netting one five minutes in and it wasn't looking good for Yasilievich and the London faithful. However, just seven minutes later, Siyan would take things into his own hands and send a pass right over to Molly the Cat with an easy goal, tying up the game at 1. Siyan was hearing it from the fans, as the boos reigned down and he knew that he was going to have to play the role of the villain in this one. The period would end and the score would be 1-1, where at this point anyone could take the game. The second period would start and a back and forth game was commencing, however Siyan would send a pass to Molotov who would tap it to Molly the Cat, who again would tap it in and London would now have the lead! Siyan now had two points in two goals for London and it seemed like this could become a real possibility that London could take the win. Just a couple minutes later, Hunor Solyom would find his first goal of the playoffs on the powerplay and London would now take a 3-1 lead heading into the third period, but as everyone knows, no 3-1 leads are safe. There was now just one more period, 20 more minutes until London could do the impossible and make it to the next round, the finals! Heading into the third just six seconds in, Florida Man would net one for Davos and the score would then become 3-2 and it seemed that the momentum had completely shifted. Not only was Davos starting to step it up, it seemed London was running out of gas and the fans were back in it as well. However, London had a trump card in this series and all of the playoffs, that being Jesse Teno. Teno was able to keep the game under control after facing chance after chance and Davos with two minutes left in the third pulled the goalie. This was it. This was going to be the pinnacle of the series, the pinnacle of Siyan's career and he stepped on the ice for the final remaining two minutes. Davos would get chances, but it just wasn't enough as they couldn't get one past Teno and with a minute twenty five left, Leonard Triller would receive a pass from Molly the Cat and Siyan Yasilievich and score the empty netter. That would end up being the dagger. The Davos faithful and fans sat in shock and awe as they had seen their team dominate, but just couldn't end up pulling through when they needed it most. The coach decided to keep Siyan on the ice to let him enjoy this moment, to which Molly the Cat and Igor Molotov decided, not only are we going to end Davos' season, we're going to make it sting. Yasilievich found himself wide open as Molotov would pass it to Molly and it would eventually find Yasilievich's stick. It was like the pass from Molly was in slow motion as the fans watched Yasilievich sit wide open and wind up for a one timer. It was a horror for the 19,000+ fans in attendance and Yasilievich found the puck on his stick and blasted it past Lachlan Summers! It was dead silent in the stadium and you could hear a pin drop as Yasilievich screamed at the top of his lungs and did the Kirby Dach "I can't hear you" celebration to the Davos fans. Not only was Davos' season ended in Game 7, but they were burned by the player who was the captain for their team, who brought them to many playoff appearances and many wins. It was betrayal for Davos and at this moment they knew they'd never accept Yasilievich as their own ever again. London now has found themselves heading to the finals and Yasilievich and friends will face off against a familiar face in Xavier Booberry who also was a part of Davos for some time.




Yasilievich had dropped 4 points in Game 7, 1 goal and 3 assists with a +2 and 9 shots overall. He was asked about his thoughts on Davos and if he had any words to say to them, to which he said, "I have nothing but respect for the players and general manager of Davos. They've got an amazing team and I think they could win a couple in a season or two. I know the fans of Davos will never want me back and that's something I'll just have to accept. I have made some great friendships on Davos, but this time I'm able to come out on top. I'll always be able to brag that I took them down after leaving, however, I'm most likely just poking at a bear. If we end up meeting again in the future, I expect the series to go much differently." Yasilievich now will be taking on the Seattle Bears in the finals, which should be a crazy matchup for both of the teams. It's going to be another reunion of ex-Davos players and we'll have to see who comes out on top!

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