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Sunday Bullets 7/2


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  • The Wolves are currently in the middle of a very hot streak. We've doubled up our wins in the last stretch of 12 games or so. We sit third in the North American Conference, and we've taken wins off both of the top teams. You love to see it. Our big guns are starting to produce, I really think we are a team on a roll, and I'd be afraid to match-up against us in the playoffs. Analfist has been solid. He has cooled off from the beginning of the season, but is still contributing here and there - that's perfect.
  • Finished up my VHFL Team. Normally I would do an in-depth reveiew of my Blessed Team. But I just don't think it's worth the trouble when I can just do a quick graphic for the 6 TPE. I'm pretty happy with my team, I should be able tot secure some TPE, not sure if I will land the number one spot though. We were so slow picking, I think most of my picks were made after like 15 games played. 
  • Can't believe we are in July - is that a boomer point of view coming out? Just feels like I blink and we are into another month. The last week was a blur, super busy at work. Hoping I can take a few days to slow things down this summer and enjoy with the kiddos. We've had a severe weather warning here in Ontario due to the wildfires blowing over - kind of put a damper on Canada Day celebrations.
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