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Theme Week - Commissioner STZ


There is no part of me that actually believes I’m even slightly qualified for this position. I think the Commissioner team at all three levels do an incredible job, and the fact that they’ve brought this place to where it’s at now is pretty outstanding. So ,I think it goes without saying, most of these changes are just what I would do, and I believe they probably aren’t good for the league. But, I like free TPE and doubles week, so here is what I would do if I was made Commish.


  • Make a theme week to give me ideas how to do my job better


I’m kind of piggy-backing off of the idea the current Commish team had. I mean clearly when you have no clue what to do, you just open it up to the public and try and disguise it as some fun little theme week, but in reality you are just looking for ideas to better the league. I would probably abuse this and make this an ongoing theme week. Maybe once every few seasons I would do this. But also have theme week’s like “Be a good husband for a week, what would you do?” Get some good ideas from the maybe 2-3 decent humans that visit this site and are old enough to get married.


  • Cut back on censorship


This one I feel strongly about, however is likely not good for the league. There were some growing pains originally, but I think the league is in a pretty good spot. It feels a little looser than where it was at when the big hard COC was first revealed. I would probably allow a lot more if I was Commish. Obviously, any kind of hate-speech is out the window, but I also think we should have freedom to speak our minds. 


  • Bring back Grimm Jonsson Award


I really liked the Grimm Jonsson Award for Best Leader. I am a little biased as I won it a few times, but I think now more than ever it would be great to bring this award back. With the league as big as it is, I think there are a lot more members that could be nominated after each season - it’s just a great way to recognize players who take their captaincy role seriously and bring good team spirit to the forums and discord. I think it was criticized before for being more of a popularity contest where the same people kept winning. I think if this was brought back and fine-tuned this would be a great thing for the league.


  • Fold the VHLE


This goes without saying. The VHLE is useless. I think you just go back to the way the VHLM was before. Don’t cap the VHLM so much. My time with Analfist in the minors was painful as I literally didn’t update my player the entire draft year. Banking TPE during the final three years is painful, there’s nothing that demotivates a person more than earning TPE that they have to wait to apply in another season. If there are players who are concerned that they aren’t getting playing time because of players that have way more TPE - focus the VHLE energy into more Junior Showcase tournaments. Kind of like how there are different matchups in real life juniors (re: CHL vs Russia series, Don Cherry and Bobby Orr’s Top Prospect Game).


Anyways, that’s my time.

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2 hours ago, STZ said:
  • Bring back Grimm Jonsson Award


I really liked the Grimm Jonsson Award for Best Leader. I am a little biased as I won it a few times, but I think now more than ever it would be great to bring this award back. With the league as big as it is, I think there are a lot more members that could be nominated after each season - it’s just a great way to recognize players who take their captaincy role seriously and bring good team spirit to the forums and discord. I think it was criticized before for being more of a popularity contest where the same people kept winning. I think if this was brought back and fine-tuned this would be a great thing for the league.

Don’t give @Ahma any ideas lol

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