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A milestone game for Wann Kerr


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Game 510, where Vancouver Wolves suited up against New York Americans, was a big one for the Wolves, as they were looking to clinch the playoff spot. In hindsight, it would also turn out to be the first milestone game in the career of Wann Kerr, a Vancouver center.


After overachieving in his rookie season and failing to meet expectations in his sophomore year, Kerr has been enjoying a true breakout season, as he was entering the game with career-high 30 goals and career-high 39 assists in the previous 63 games. 


Kerr managed to get on the scoreboard early in the 5th minute of the game. Pierre Emile Bouchard's great shot block led to Wolves' counterattack resulting in a few shot attempt, and finally to Nico Pearce beating everyone in a race for a loose puck after B-VAN D1's shot. Pearce showed great vision and awareness and sent the puck on a net through traffic, where Kerr was screening the Americans' goalie. Just a little tip to change the puck's direction, and it went in.


10 minutes later, in the 15th minute of the game, icing was called against the Americans. Wann Kerr lost the upcoming faceoff, but Nico Pearce was able to gain possession almost immediately, got the puck to Pierre Emile Bouchard, who would send the puck to Kerr to assist on what would eventually turn out to be a game winning goal by Kerr.


After some sustained Wolves' pressure to start off the second period, New York's goaltender held the puck until the whistle. Wann Kerr won the faceoff, immediately sending the puck on S.nubbed Analfist's stick. Analfist would re-adjust the puck and fire it on the net. The first shot missed, but Analfist would show his tenacity and would be the one to get to the loose puck, wrapping around the net and shocking everyone by scoring a Michigan goal. The sole assist on this highlight reel goal was Kerr's 72nd point of the season, meaning no matter what happens between now and the end of the season, Kerr is a point per game player for the first time in his career.


But he wasn't done yet. 20-something seconds in the last period, Kerr lost a faceoff in the offensive zone, but showed his ferocity and strength when he was able to win a board battle with a New York winger and sent the puck to the net. It was blocked by an Americans' defender, and once again it was Nico Pearce stealing the loose puck, shooting the puck that would once again be blocked and deflected to Kerr's stick, who would cleanly beat the goaltender. This goal was not only the point that would get Kerr to over a point per game no matter what happens, but it also completed Kerr's first career hattrick.




"Yea, I was trying to be where guys were expecting me to be, you know, and anticipating where the puck is going, and it obviously worked out great for us this time," said Kerr during press availability after the game.


"Sometimes it's me who scores, sometimes it's someone else, we all had a great game tonight. In the end, it was a great win for the team, we really need a few wins like this one against strong teams to boost our confidence, the most important games are yet to come," closed Kerr.

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This is a great milestone review, I think you covered each goal well in good detail, I think you have it sorted very well, not to drawn out but not to short. I like the picture you got along with the text and the player quotes at the end. While it's not the flashiest post I don't think it needs to be, the plain text is fine and the use of italics for the player quotes is smart. Overall 10/10

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