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Gregger McKeggegger on the LA Stars Season


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*Show’s theme song plays. Camera shows Joe Smith sitting at a desk, and Gregger McKeggegger sitting across from him.*


Joe Smith Welcome back to the show folks! Today I've got Los Angeles Stars rookie Gregger McKeggegger with me to talk about their wild season and how it's been for him! Kegger how's it going?

Gregger McKeggegger : It's going good Joe, happy to have made it into the playoffs!

Smith That's right, you did finally clinch tonight with only a couple games left! Congratulations!

McKeggegger Thanks Joe, really proud of the whole team.

Smith With the first half of the season you had, was there ever any doubt in the locker room about making it into the playoffs?

McKeggegger : I had some nerves, some of the other younger guys did as well. But there's nothing like having leaders like Sirdsy and Clix helped to give us some confidence, and I feel like once we started to build momentum, it brought us the confidence we needed to go on that great end of season run.

Smith Is there an urge in the locker room to get these leaders a championship here before they retire?

McKeggegger Undoubtedly. Guys like Coins and Sirdsy are done after this. There's a sense around the locker room that we've got to get it done.

Smith Speaking of Jason Coiner, there was some controversy about the work done at the trade deadline and if it had strengthened or weakened the team. What were the initial reactions to core players such as Nezuko and Dabnad Shaw getting traded?

McKeggegger : Well it's never easy. I had so much fun on the ice with both of them, and learned a lot too. Especially because of their respective reputations and the quality of careers they've had, it was a tough loss for the whole team. However Coins came in and instantly made an impact, personality wise and through amazing play. I've got a lot of respect for Coins just based on how they fought their way through the minor leagues and the VHLE for more seasons than most, and then once they got into the VHL fought some more on a fading and then rebuilding team. Now Coins has a shot at their only championship in their last season. I think they were just the missing piece we needed. Johnny and Benny also came in and fit really well.

Smith It was really a remarkable thing to see this team fight all the way back and earn the playoff spot. Now that you've made it this far, do you think this is a special team that could potentially make waves this postseason?

McKeggegger I'm not going to say anything about how I think we'll do. I'm a little too superstitious to do that. However I do believe that we've got a ton of chemistry, and that we've got some great momentum heading into the playoffs.

Smith : Alright Kegger, well I'm so excited to see how the Stars perform this playoffs, maybe we see a fairytale run! Thanks for coming on the show, hopefully we can chat again soon!

McKeggegger : It was a pleasure as always, thanks for having me!

Smith Alright folks that's all for today, make sure to tune in next time!


*Show’s outro plays and the screen fades to black.*


Word Count : 550

For Week of 7/23

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