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"Please remove me from Helsinki GM search "


Is it a meme post? The comment is the only one from the user in the Helsinki GM thread. But they do hold the power of removing messages. If the comment is a joke post of some sort, is it in poor taste? Would it be better or worse if it's all real; they were going to apply for the Helsinki job, removed the post, and now commented again - stating they wish to be taken off the race.

Let's analyze. Why would a user drop out of a GM race so early?  The Helsinki GM job thread opened 18 hours ago, there is very little chance the league officials have managed to interview everybody, but still, the user dropped out of the Helsinki race already, but they are still running to be the Chicago GM. Why is that? Someone obviously told them that the Chicago job is theirs or they are very near.  

If the post is genuine, and the user now ends up getting the Chicago job, this is a middle finger from the league and from the user to all the users who are applying for both jobs. And for that reason - I applaud the user and the league officials for allowing something like this to take place in front of our eyes.  

Can you imagine if it now takes days for them to "decide" the user gets the Chicago job? Can you imagine if the league officials are still talking to users who are interested in the Chicago GM job? As in, they are still asking questions and pretending there is any other outcome than the user getting the job? I am already looking forward to seeing the comments on how tight the "race" was and how many good candidates applied for the Chicago role.

It is entirely possible the user only wants the Chicago job and they have no idea if they get the job or not, so they dropped out of the Helsinki GM race. That is a likely answer here, Helsinki is one of the worst places on earth, and they also have a VHL team.  

If the user simply decided to take their application away from the Helsinki race - why do it in public? Why not send that information to whoever the user talked to about the job? The answer is quite simple - there is nobody to send the message to, they have not interviewed for the Helsinki job yet.


It is tough to say what is real and what is not. In one way, you wish that the post is just one more post - an attempt at humor, but then again, you wish that the post is real and the user is the next GM of Chicago because in that case, you just know that something shady went on in the background.  In the latter you also know the general manager is well-liked by the league officials, which is not a bad thing when you try to think where to play next.

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12 hours ago, Spartan said:

Probably just because the application post said all CHI applicants are being considered for HSK, and he likely didn't want to GM HSK so decided to withdraw that automatic application.


11 hours ago, v.2 said:

He's from Chicago.


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