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Because you deserve answers...podcast fail.


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Why are you so good?

Why are you so pleasant?

What will you go with next for a player>?


Thanks for the questions Smarch. Always good to hear from you.


1. Despite the accolades and trophies, I still like to think Odin was more a product of luck then good management. In most circumstances if you throw enough TPE into a player and manage his playing opportunities, the production will happen and stats will accumulate.

If you mean me personally, I'm not. It's all a hoax.


2. If you find me pleasant, it's because that's how I was raised. Speak politely, open doors for a woman and treat others with respect. Just because this in an internet forum, I see no reason to suddenly become an asshole to everybody.


3. That's something I have been considering in the last week or so. I doubt I will ever create a Goalie so that leaves Defense or another Winger. I'm not sure I'd like Center. Maybe I'll make another "Boomchenko" but do it properly this time, or if it's a Winger I might build a little differently to Tordahl for a change of type.


Aspirations for Tordahl besides falling to Quebec this season?


Names for your next player?


Estimate of how many likes you've given out since it was introduced to the VHL?


Hey Frank.


1. My only aspirations this season were to lead New York to the best of my abilities and for Odin to take second on the TPE list. First one is still in progress but the second has been achieved. Sure I would have liked to repeat the last couple of seasons as far as stats go but all good things must come to an end.


2. That is proving a difficult task, as a couple of fellow VHL'ers can attest. I like to select a nationality first, then a name, then the back story of the player and as yet, I haven't even decided the region of the world he'll be from. This will most likely be my final player so I am trying to get it right. There are options if he's another Scandinavian such as Rasmus, Kaspar or Thor(too close to Odin?) or various others if he is Czech, Slovenian or similar. Like I said, it's harder then I expected.


3. My god, I have no idea. Initially, I am not sure I had a limit but this season I found myself running out of "Likes" quite frequently. It must be more then I have received so it has to be 1500-2000+ possibly.



Favorite song to jam out to on a car ride?


Do you like posts while you are driving?


Yukon 2 gud


Favorite VHL team you've ever been on?



My VHLM boss! Hey man.


1. Hmmm, difficult question. It would depend on what mood I am in but often find myself singing "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC or multiple Beastie Boys tracks.



Last week I was driving to work and The Cadillac three's "The South" came on....I knew all the words. :unsure: I think I may be a closet redneck.



2. No, I am a law abiding citizen and don't use my phone while driving. If there was a VHL app that allowed me to use voice commands to like posts though...I would.


3. No. Yukon 2 fucking gud.


4. Shit, what a question. No matter what I say is bound to piss someone off. I have genuinely enjoyed every team I have been on as it allowed me to get to know members I would have otherwise only assumed I "knew" from other forum activities. Riga was my first VHL team and although we had our troubles, that was a nice introduction to the league. From there to Calgary and I enjoyed that LR and the interaction with well established members and my first cup was a nice bonus. Boomchenko was then sacrificed for cap space and ended up with Cologne and I did enjoy that environment although a lot of it was posting train gif's with Kendrick, lol. I then moved again(surprisingly) to Vasteras of all places and was then retired as per league rules in my 8th season. Odin was created and although I went to Toronto and we all know how that went, the LR was fine and everyone was OK to me. Helsinki traded for me and tbh that remains one of my favorites due to the quality of guys in that LR and another cup run. Then the move that saw my once golden reputation tarnished forever. On to Davos I went, in order to help the team and GM and luckily it was a successful venture. Interesting dynamic(no pun intended) in that LR but Ser Davos proved a motivational ploy that proved effective. Now I am in New York with one of my real friends in the league and surrounded by great players and members. As of right now, it's probably #1 because of the friendships, advice and help with various IRL matters as well as Odins success while playing there. Sorry Austin, I had a bout of deviseitis. Thanks for the questions.



Recreates position and name?

Will he be like your past two players and bounce around?

Do you drive a sahari vehicle? Like a custom land rover or something like that?

Do you think QC can take NY this season? Or next?

Are Australian women hot?



Hello kesler. Sorry, you will always be kesler to me.


1. I already mentioned the answers to this above and once I determine these details, you'll be the 11th person I tell.


2. Possibly, although Boomchenko's movements after Calgary were out of my control(CGY->COL->VAS). Maybe I should see out my rookie contract and then sign 1 year deals with the worst rostered team to see how many points I can score in a career? I have options.


3. No. I have a custom Delaurean




OK, sorry. I actually don't drive a car. We use roo's to get around except for long distance travel.




4. Anything is possible. With Quebec's acquisitions this season, including Moher, they are primed to go head to head for that North American spot. Will they win? As New York's captain you don't seriously expect me to say yes do you? As for next season, I don't have a crystal ball and from season to season, so much can change.


5. Yes they are. it often reaches 42 degrees celsius here in summer so I expect they'd get quite hot indeed.



If I were to come down to your neck of the woods, what restaurant would you take me too for a simple dinner? Can I bring the wife but have her sit at a different table so you don't swoon her with your charming good looks?


Reports surfaced last week that you are the Aussy version of Jardy without the dog, drinking habit, farm and native friends, is it true?


TMZ released nudes of Naomi Young last week that were hacked from the iCloud, do you believe we are putting too much faith in clouds nowadays?



Well hello there Joseph. Still keeping the streets safe?


1. Hmmm, where would I take you for a simple dinner? Knowing you are a man of good taste, may I suggest Rockpool? It's a little expensive but they do great seafood and have a great wine list. Don't like that option....there's a McDonalds and KFC a few streets away. Of course you could bring your wife. You don't think I'm going to stare into your eyes all night do you? I promise to be on my best behaviour and won't even wear my good T-shirt to dinner...




2. I would not dare claim to live the incredible life of that great man, but if you heard differently, who am I to argue?


3. I was slightly disappointed by the Naomi pictures to be honest. I expected more.




As for clouds themselves, unless they are providing funny things to look at("hey mom, that cloud looks like Stalin") or providing data for scientific research, clouds should STFU.



Will you pay baby LeBoo a visit?

What will you bring as gift?

What would you like to drink, its a long walk from home ?



Ivo my good Dutch friend. Welkom!


1. If I have the time, I'd gladly pay my respects to the Willems household and see little Remy.


2. I would bring a kangaroo rocking "horse" to remind her of he favorite VHL uncle.


3. Whatever refreshment you have available for me would be most welcome, although if you have any of the beer named in my honor, that would be great.






Are you a fan of Simon 'The Wizard' Whitlock?


What made you decide to bless the NYA LR with the best thread on the website?


Have you and Jardy actually met up IRL?



Hi gorlab. Please don't catch me a fade if I don't answer correctly.


1. I may be very unpatriotic here but I will say no. I am a sports fan....darts isn't a fucking sport. It's dominated by fat fucks whose only talent is to be able to aim straight while pissed(drunk).


2. I have "blessed" multiple LR's with those threads and I will continue to do so for whoever takes me in the 3rd rd of the S42 draft. It may be a gimmick but if you dig deeper you may find that their is indeed more to me then those threads.


3. Yes we have. Jardy and I banged a native girl when I visited in 2011. Her name was Tiffany RunningBear and I think she was from Pleasant Hill. Apparently she still snapchats with Jardy, but I have moved on.



I apologize for the delay and the fact that this wasn't audio, but shit happens. This also isn't for TPE.

Edited by BOOM
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