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Sometimes we just need to say Thank you.


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I was involved in a conversation this past week with a few members of the VHL community. We were talking about things to write about for TPE, about goings on within the league and about members that put in way more time and effort than most people would even realize. As a result of that conversation, I am going to write this article about one particular person, Spartan. 


Now I will admit that I personally know very little about Spartan, I know they are one of two VHLM commissioners but other than that any things I know have resulted from the very few interactions I have had with them. 


No, I am not going to recap how Spartan gave Dil a poor draft rating for choosing Molly the Cat (the rookie of the year winner) in the season 84 draft, or how among all the task approvers it is only Spartan that calls me out if things aren’t perfectly to the requirements for TPE.  


This article is going to be to say thank you for what you do, and recently it seems that you are doing a lot. Spartan is one of those people who are always answering questions for anyone (not just newcomers), is pointing people in the right direction when it comes to player builds and trivia answers. If anything should be said it is that Spartan goes above and beyond to make sure that everything is fair within the league, that everyone has a chance to have fun and contribute. 


Thank you for everything you do. Without people like you this league wouldn’t be what it is. 

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