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The one who Snubs you!


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This season’s theme week is about being FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY. The technical definition of the word FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY is to rebuff, ignore or to spurn disdainfully. I hope over this article to make an argument that one particular entity is responsible for much of the Snubbing that goes on in the league. 


What could that entity be and how can it be responsible for creating a significant amount of Snubbing that goes on in the league. The entity I want to discuss is Simon, STHS itself. You may be wondering why I would argue that the system we use to run the league is responsible for snubbing the players who use it. Here are my reasons why I believe that Simon is responsible: 


  1. The version of the STHS software that we use tends to overlook and ignore certain characteristics resulting in players focusing on a small group of Meta builds. This results in limited variability in players and a system where the highest TPE score wins. This then causes a system where General Managers of teams' snub anyone who isn’t a top TPE player. This has become so prevalent that we have adjusted our language in reference to players (Max earners, Inactive, Welfare, Welfare Plus). The software creates a necessity to snub players based on build and TPE earning. 


  1. The mentality created by STHS becomes even more prevalent in the draft. Recreates are deemed more worthy of drafting over first generation, because they have better knowledge of the Meta and tend to remain active for longer. This results in first generation players feeling distanced and undervalued, which may result in the self fulfilling prophesy that first generation players become inactive. It should not be surprising that if you ignore and demean someone long enough that they soon disappear and become inactive on your sight. 


  1. Let us move away from TPE earnings and look at STHS game output. The player statistics measured within a game tend to favor offensive related players. Defensive minded players have minimal documented and tracked statistics to measure their play. Why don’t we have tracking on pass interceptions, turnovers caused, Defensive zone possession, defensive zone clearing and a variety of important and impactful information. The reason we don’t track these statistics is because STHS snubs defensiveness. 


  1. My last point, the previous three points, result in the greatest snubbing of them all, the hatred of the VHLE. VHLE players are the culminating argument of the structure of the VHLE. They tend to be low earning, non-meta, first-generation dropouts with no measurable offensive output. And so, the rest of the VHL scorns them and ignores them, unless it is time to pick on them and treat them like the black sheep of the VHL. 


I hope I have been able to express how I believe the STHS system creates the very environment that most of the snubbing comes from. STHS is an unavoidable but necessary evil, it allows us to run the league, but it creates the very structures that cause so much of the snubbing that goes on in the VHL. 



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