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Chicago Celebrates New Franchise Goal Leader


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Chicago Celebrates New Franchise Goal Leader




Scotty Sundin forever immortalized in Chicago history


Scotty Sundin has finally surpassed Christian Mingle as the (regular season) franchise goal leader (he will easily reach all-time, as he only needs to score 12 more goals this season, but we celebrated the regular season one mainly). The fans filled the stadium in which would be a great match between the Toronto Legion and Chicago Phoenix, where Scotty Sundin was a single goal away from breaking the record. The goal would eventually come, as he would score the equalizer in the second period, scoring his first of the season and breaking the record. With a packed stadium, it was like something out of a movie as the players stormed the ice to congratulate @fromtheinside on such an accomplishment with the team. However, that would not be the end of his scoring, as just five minutes later, he would net another one as the roof would blow off the arena. Of course, at this point, the fans would want the hattrick! Scotty Sundin's next shift found him wide open, where he'd snipe a shot past Joel Castle, putting the cap on a historic night. 


The Phoenix start the season 2-0 off an amazing team effort. Although this success might not last, as they're on paper not one of the best teams, fans are enjoying the hot start to the season.

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