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Effort: 2/2 - Keep up the improvement! I like your style and progress.


Look: 2.5/3 - Stock work is cool but the contrast is a bit too intense. I recommend checking out the thread I made a while back for some simple techniques that might help. http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/topic/2501-jacks-guide-to-making-not-shitty-sigs/ I like the composition, nice use of the render.


Creativity: 1/1 - Creative text work and composition!


Total: 5.5/6

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Effort: 2/2 - Blending, lighting, text, coloring, effects, you definitely have it.
Look: 2.5/3 - I'm not a fan of the overly high contrast here and the coloring because of it. You have a really good concept that just missed on a few points.
Creativity: 1/1 - Yeah
Total: 5.5/6
Final: 6
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