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JST Steel Press Conference

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Here is the first press conference for the S92 edition of the Steel for the Junior Showcase Tournament!


1. How did your season go in the VHLM this season, both as a player and as a team?


2. If you have a to do list, do you attack the hard stuff first, or do you ease into it and save the tough things for the end?


3. What is your player's biggest strength and weakness?


4. Which band is currently stuck in your head right now?


5. Is this your first player in the VHL? If so, how are you finding things so far? If not, how many players is this for you in the league?


6. Looking at your Steel teammates, who are you most excited to play with for this tournament?

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13 hours ago, dstevensonjr said:

Here is the first press conference for the S92 edition of the Steel for the Junior Showcase Tournament!


1. How did your season go in the VHLM this season, both as a player and as a team?

we are still in playoffs and i got 85 points!

2. If you have a to do list, do you attack the hard stuff first, or do you ease into it and save the tough things for the end?

tough stuff first obviously

3. What is your player's biggest strength and weakness?

biggest strength is my private jet to get from game to game, biggest weakness is the private jet because the normies care about the environment or whatever and @ me on twitter about it

4. Which band is currently stuck in your head right now?

the eagles obviously. not because of a t shirt though! that was just a myth.

5. Is this your first player in the VHL? If so, how are you finding things so far? If not, how many players is this for you in the league?

this is my second player, first was an all time reaper so i joined back with this one

6. Looking at your Steel teammates, who are you most excited to play with for this tournament?
jack dickens for sure... just sounds like a past taylor boyfriend fr fr


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1)      The season went very well. I learned a lot and the team was awesome.

2)      Tackle hard stuff first cause if you are having issues, you can take a break do some easier stuff and then get back to it

3)      My player’s biggest strength is his defense, and his biggest weakness is his offense.

4)      Coldplay

5)      This is my first player in VHL. I am finding it interesting. I am trying to learn the rating system. The community is awesome though.

6)      Gul Dukat, Msouthworth got me into this league so I’m excited to play with him.

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On 2/22/2024 at 6:59 PM, dstevensonjr said:

Here is the first press conference for the S92 edition of the Steel for the Junior Showcase Tournament!


1. How did your season go in the VHLM this season, both as a player and as a team?


2. If you have a to do list, do you attack the hard stuff first, or do you ease into it and save the tough things for the end?


3. What is your player's biggest strength and weakness?


4. Which band is currently stuck in your head right now?


5. Is this your first player in the VHL? If so, how are you finding things so far? If not, how many players is this for you in the league?


6. Looking at your Steel teammates, who are you most excited to play with for this tournament?

1. Overall as a rookie player, I'm content with how the season of my player went. The real shocker was the team that managed to pull itself from low in the standings to finish in a second round playoff before being taken out.


2. I usually try to mix harder task with simpler in-between. If you try to focus only on the harder task and become unmotivated then all the easier task ends-up incomplete. If you start only with easy then the harder task feels like a wall as soon as you start the first one.


3. Biggest strength, I'd say playmaking. Biggest weakness, consistancy.


4. I, currently, jump a lot between either Slipknot at the gym and Sabaton as my day-to-day listen.


5. Yes, it is my first player in the League. So far, I'm mostly liking it even though I don't manage to accomplish as much as I hoped for at the beginning with my schedule becoming completely full only a few days after joining.


6. I'm really looking up to re-uniting with Abenduct and Artav, but I'm mostly looking to know who my linemates are going to be and accomplish good results for the tournament this year.

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Hey there, glad to be here!

Now, onto the questions!


1. How did your season go in the VHLM this season, both as a player and as a team?

- I think it went pretty well. We started from zero but built up a solid team. I think my personal development also showed, especially in the playoffs. We sadly fell in the second round, but.. I think we showed what we can do and that we even surprised some people. Overall, I am content with how things turned out.

2. If you have a to do list, do you attack the hard stuff first, or do you ease into it and save the tough things for the end?

- I try to make everything simple, as much as I can. Work smart, not hard, you could say. But I usually attack the tough and unpleasant things first, so that in the end, I have the more pleasant duties to complete.

3. What is your player's biggest strength and weakness?

- I think the biggest strength of Ondrej is his determination and his wild nature. However, I believe passion sometimes overthrows his mind, which makes him a bit hot-headed. Which, in the end, is his weakness.

4. Which band is currently stuck in your head right now?

- Uf, tough. I have a massive jukebox playing in my head every day. Probably Death, Nirvana or Slayer.

5. Is this your first player in the VHL? If so, how are you finding things so far? If not, how many players is this for you in the league?

- Yep. This is my first season, the most rookie a rookie can be! And it is a blast, I could never recommend this forum enough! Love it here.

6. Looking at your Steel teammates, who are you most excited to play with for this tournament?

- I am curious about Taylor. I know that she and Zinek threw a couple of punches together, so I am thrilled to see them in action. But also my colleague in net, Austin Goulet III.. I am curious what this guy can pull off. This tournament is going to be so fun!


Thanks for having me here, it was amazing!

See you at the tournament!



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On 2/22/2024 at 11:59 AM, dstevensonjr said:

Here is the first press conference for the S92 edition of the Steel for the Junior Showcase Tournament!


1. How did your season go in the VHLM this season, both as a player and as a team?  As a player I stunk, as a team we stunk a little less but didnt get as far as we had hoped.  Hopefully next season things will improve.



On 2/22/2024 at 11:59 AM, dstevensonjr said:


2. If you have a to do list, do you attack the hard stuff first, or do you ease into it and save the tough things for the end? Well geez, that is a toughy.  It really depends on the mood.  Sometime times I want to warm up on the easy stuff before tackling the hard stuff.  Sometimes I want to get the hard stuff done and coast the rest of the way.


On 2/22/2024 at 11:59 AM, dstevensonjr said:


3. What is your player's biggest strength and weakness? My players biggest strength is allowing the defender to get past be and score based off my +/-.  My biggest weakness is soft hands.  I would be a big disapointment in the Mighty Ducks movie.


On 2/22/2024 at 11:59 AM, dstevensonjr said:


4. Which band is currently stuck in your head right now? Two Steps From Hell.  I can never ever remember lyrics but I sure can remember a tune behind the lyrics.


On 2/22/2024 at 11:59 AM, dstevensonjr said:


5. Is this your first player in the VHL? If so, how are you finding things so far? If not, how many players is this for you in the league?  This is my first player in the league and it has been a blast.  I loved playing for Miami and Tetricide.  I hope one day I will be able to reunite with them if they would permit that.


On 2/22/2024 at 11:59 AM, dstevensonjr said:


6. Looking at your Steel teammates, who are you most excited to play with for this tournament? Benjamin Abenduct! That player is a beast and I can't wait to have them school me in the ways of defense.  Maybe I can pick up a thing or two and not be complete garbage this upcoming season.  20 Points in body checking, what an absolute waste of points. Ugh!!!


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Welcome back Steel members! Here is a new presser for a new week!


1. Were you happy with your performance in the first run of the tournament before the reset?


2. What's the weather like where you are today? Feels like spring for me.


3. After sitting at the top of the standings in the first version of the tournament, we are mid-pack in the new version. What changed, and what do we need to improve on to get back to the top?


4. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?


5. With the VHL and VHLE drafts coming up in the next week, are you looking forward to both, and is there anyone you're hoping to get drafted by?


6. Which NHL team that is currently out of a playoff spot will make it into the playoffs this season?

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2 minutes ago, dstevensonjr said:

Welcome back Steel members! Here is a new presser for a new week!


1. Were you happy with your performance in the first run of the tournament before the reset?  Oh yea, we were doing so good they have to "lose" the file and start over because they were so threatened by us.


2. What's the weather like where you are today? Feels like spring for me.  I live in Florida, its finally summer, and I missed it!! The cold was fun but I am tired of it.


3. After sitting at the top of the standings in the first version of the tournament, we are mid-pack in the new version. What changed, and what do we need to improve on to get back to the top? Honestly, I havent paid attention to that in detail.  We just need to score more goals and allow less than the opposing teams.  Keep it Simple Stupid


4. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? My house, no better place and no place has what I have to keep me happy.


5. With the VHL and VHLE drafts coming up in the next week, are you looking forward to both, and is there anyone you're hoping to get drafted by? I am indifferent but now that Tet has been promoted I would love to get drafted by him.  That of course if I haven't annoyed him to stay away from me! I also wouldn't mind Sam since she recruited me.


6. Which NHL team that is currently out of a playoff spot will make it into the playoffs this season? Tampa Bay Lightning, oh yea, they aren't out of the playoff spot yet, but they will be.  If Kucherov can heat up I am sure he will drag this team to the playoffs kicking and screaming.  If not, then well we have two cups and 3 cup appearances in the past 5 years so I am good.


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1)      I was happy with my performance before and after reset.

2)      It’s in the mid 50s here in Massachusetts. Was outside with no coat.

3)      Just need to have good teamwork and a positive attitude.

4)      I’m not a big vacation person.

5)      I’m nervous/excited for both drafts. I am glad to be on any team that drafts me.

6)      I don’t really follow NHL that much, so I cannot answer this.

Edited by Schnee
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On 3/4/2024 at 2:11 PM, dstevensonjr said:

Welcome back Steel members! Here is a new presser for a new week!


1. Were you happy with your performance in the first run of the tournament before the reset?

yeah i scored a lot of goals but 2nd go aint that bad either.

2. What's the weather like where you are today? Feels like spring for me.

cold and rainy. need a heat wave to make things right

3. After sitting at the top of the standings in the first version of the tournament, we are mid-pack in the new version. What changed, and what do we need to improve on to get back to the top?

we used all of our energy go 1 and proved we the best. saving it fir the 2nd

4. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?

wherever tom wilson is at

5. With the VHL and VHLE drafts coming up in the next week, are you looking forward to both, and is there anyone you're hoping to get drafted by?

mainly looking at the VHLM draft currently since thats the very next destination

6. Which NHL team that is currently out of a playoff spot will make it into the playoffs this season?
Caps bc of tom wilson obviously!!!!


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  • 2 months later...



Answer 3 Questions for 1 Capped TPE

Answer 6 Questions for 2 Capped TPE

For week ending on May 19, 2024


1. How is the Junior Showcase Tournament going for your player so far?  Are you performing as well as you would have hoped/expected?

2. What has your offseason experience been like? Fun, exciting, boring, slow, full of anticipation for the draft?

3. With the drafts upcoming for the VHL, VHLE, and VHLM, are there any teams that you really want to be drafted by?

4. With the Junior Showcase Tournament regular season done, how do you think the Steel will fair in the playoffs?

5. Is your favorite NHL team still in the Stanley Cup Playoffs and do you think they have a chance to win it all?

6. Fun Question: If you were a ghost, how would you haunt people? 



How to claim TPE:

Go to the Portal > Manage Player > Claim Capped > Type > Press Conference

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33 minutes ago, LucyXpher said:

1. How is the Junior Showcase Tournament going for your player so far?  Are you performing as well as you would have hoped/expected?

2. What has your offseason experience been like? Fun, exciting, boring, slow, full of anticipation for the draft?

3. With the drafts upcoming for the VHL, VHLE, and VHLM, are there any teams that you really want to be drafted by?

4. With the Junior Showcase Tournament regular season done, how do you think the Steel will fair in the playoffs?

5. Is your favorite NHL team still in the Stanley Cup Playoffs and do you think they have a chance to win it all?

6. Fun Question: If you were a ghost, how would you haunt people? 

1. I am not performing quite as well as I would have hoped, points wise. That being said, as a team we've put ourselves in a great position going into the playoffs.

2. Mississauga was out in the first round of the VHLM playoffs, so it feels like it's been a while, but now that we're close to the playoffs for the JST and the draft is close, I'm excited for the weeks to come.

3. I will be happy to be drafted anywhere, whether it's to a playoff contender where I am motivated to show what I can do alongside veterans, or a rebuilding team where I can show my leadership and help the team rise the ranks.

4. I think @ace_five_ and @LucyXpherhave built a great team that will definitely be a contender. We finished the season strong and are looking to ride that momentum. If we can reach the finals, most likely against the Warriors (definitely no bias there) we will have to bring our A game. We've beat them in the past, including the final game of the season, so I am confident we can win it all.

5. Sadly, no. At this point I'm hoping for any Canadian team. We're guaranteed one in the Conference Finals, I just hope they can continue their success.

6. The first thing I thought about was doing what cats do and randomly knock things off shelves (or any surface for that matter). I feel like one of the scariest things is not being able to explain what was happening.

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  1. How is the Junior Showcase Tournament going for your player so far?  Are you performing as well as you would have hoped/expected?
    "I think the tournament is going well for me so far. I like the way I have been playing both offensively and defensively, although sitting at a -10 is a little hard to see. I'd like to tighten it up a bit for the elimination games so we can try and win this thing."
  2. What has your offseason experience been like? Fun, exciting, boring, slow, full of anticipation for the draft?
    "It's been a whirlwind of an offseason so far. With the interviews from the VHL/VHLE teams, to managing the Steel, to my first offseason as a VHLM AGM, there's a lot going on. Watching what the GMs in the VHL are doing with their trades as well has been exciting. With this being my first full offseason with a (mostly) full understanding of the league, I'm trying to take it all in and enjoy what's going on."
  3. With the drafts upcoming for the VHL, VHLE, and VHLM, are there any teams that you really want to be drafted by?
    "I don't have a preference of where I go. I like the competition of trying to raise my draft stock as quickly as possible in this home stretch, but where I end up is going to be where I put my effort in. I'll be happy with whatever team chooses me."
  4. With the Junior Showcase Tournament regular season done, how do you think the Steel will fair in the playoffs?
    "I think we have a good chance in the playoffs. We're kind of in the same position as Halifax was in going into the playoffs, so I hope we have a different outcome. I'll be doing my best to make sure that happens as well."
  5. Is your favorite NHL team still in the Stanley Cup Playoffs and do you think they have a chance to win it all?
    "Nope, the Leafs didn't make it out of the first round as per usual. It was pretty disappointing to see that happen again."
  6. Fun Question: If you were a ghost, how would you haunt people?
    "I think I would mostly people watch, with the occasional friendly scare every once in a while to keep people on their toes."
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2 hours ago, LucyXpher said:



Answer 3 Questions for 1 Capped TPE

Answer 6 Questions for 2 Capped TPE

For week ending on May 19, 2024


1. How is the Junior Showcase Tournament going for your player so far?  Are you performing as well as you would have hoped/expected?

2. What has your offseason experience been like? Fun, exciting, boring, slow, full of anticipation for the draft?

3. With the drafts upcoming for the VHL, VHLE, and VHLM, are there any teams that you really want to be drafted by?

4. With the Junior Showcase Tournament regular season done, how do you think the Steel will fair in the playoffs?

5. Is your favorite NHL team still in the Stanley Cup Playoffs and do you think they have a chance to win it all?

6. Fun Question: If you were a ghost, how would you haunt people? 



How to claim TPE:

Go to the Portal > Manage Player > Claim Capped > Type > Press Conference

1. I won't lie, I've been performing like shit lol! But I'm glad I was even selected to the Steel in the first place.

2. I'm really anxious for the draft, I could either go like 3rd overall in the M or like 7th and I find that anxiety inducing.

3. I really want to be drafted by Vegas again, I love that team.

4. We're winning it all, easy peasy. We don't take L's here we give them.

5. My favorite team was unfortunately knocked out by the florida panthers in the first round.

6. I wouldn't want to be a ghost, I'm pretty religious so I'd rather rest peacefully until judgment day. But If I were a ghost I'd torment the opp.

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1. How is the Junior Showcase Tournament going for your player so far?  Are you performing as well as you would have hoped/expected?

The tournament was great for Desjardins, at least at the start of it. After that opponent were watching him more closely and he had difficulties to continue his offensive production. That shows in the "playoffs" where he was almost invisible on the score sheet.


2. What has your offseason experience been like? Fun, exciting, boring, slow, full of anticipation for the draft?

Kinda okay! Some teams talked to me about the VHLM Draft. We'll see what happen! Probably going in the first round, but we never know.


3. With the drafts upcoming for the VHL, VHLE, and VHLM, are there any teams that you really want to be drafted by?

In the M, I don't really have a preference, so anything can happen!


4. With the Junior Showcase Tournament regular season done, how do you think the Steel will fair in the playoffs?

I already know the results, and they are not that good :(


5. Is your favorite NHL team still in the Stanley Cup Playoffs and do you think they have a chance to win it all?

Pittsburgh didn't make it, but I want Dallas to win since the start of the playoffs and they have a really good chance.


6. Fun Question: If you were a ghost, how would you haunt people? 

Scare them when the watch scary movies!

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