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London United Press Conferences

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10 hours ago, jacobcarson877 said:

1. You're put on duty to answer the media for our preseason press conference! What is your relationship with the media like?

2. When talking to the media are you one to stick to the script (pucks in deep!), or are you a bit of a wild spirit?
3. What's some advice that you could give to the new players about dealing with the London media?
4. A press conference turns sour and the media starts blaming a teammate, what is your response?
5. Some people are calling for the firing of the head coach, or perhaps even the General Manager after a 2nd straight Game 7 Finals loss, what's your stance?
6. Rumour has it a large portion of the players are retiring together at the end of the season, how do you inspire the fans to stick with the team for the upcoming rebuild?


1. I'd say it's the most annoying part of being a pro athlete. Like, come on, I want to hit pucks, shoot teammates and drink beer, not sit here with cameras and mikes pointing at my dumb face.


2. Sticking to the script is a safer choice. Kerr was almost deported from Italy when he played in Rome, for liking pineapple on pizza. So let's not bring too much flair.


3. Drink tea when the reporters offer it to you, and don't try to replicate Briish accent.


4. I'd probably call the reporter a bellend or a tosser or something. My teammates are sacred.


5. What a bunch of bellends! It's game 7, anything can happen in game 7. They're the ones who got us there!


6. Fr*nce doesn't have a VHL team, so you have the bragging rights on them, even when the team isn't doing good!

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On 5/25/2024 at 3:58 PM, jacobcarson877 said:

Hi team! Been a while since I did one of these but it's moving season and our lovely AGM is in the middle of it. That'll be me next week! Here's a double to get you this week's if you need it, and next week's if you're eager! Feel free to mix and match as needed but don't do the same questions twice in a row!

1. The league is short on defenders this season, how do you plan to take advantage of that personally?
2. Index comes out in a few days, what are your thoughts on our roster at this very moment?
3. What is your player trying to do better this season as opposed to last season?
4. Who is going to be the most important player for our success this season?
5. If you could play with one player from another team this season, who would you want it to be?
6. The new version of the portal is out! What are your initial thoughts?

1. You're put on duty to answer the media for our preseason press conference! What is your relationship with the media like?

2. When talking to the media are you one to stick to the script (pucks in deep!), or are you a bit of a wild spirit?
3. What's some advice that you could give to the new players about dealing with the London media?
4. A press conference turns sour and the media starts blaming a teammate, what is your response?
5. Some people are calling for the firing of the head coach, or perhaps even the General Manager after a 2nd straight Game 7 Finals loss, what's your stance?
6. Rumour has it a large portion of the players are retiring together at the end of the season, how do you inspire the fans to stick with the team for the upcoming rebuild?

1. Easy. I made a defender. Someone bring me up!

2. I think we have a really solid team to start the season off with and I'm looking forward to seeing how the team plays.

3. Not get so many penalties. Tano really needs to cool it.

4. Triller! He's been the most consistent and he's going to be the one that leads this team to victory.

5. Sadie St. Louis. I think playing alongside her would be amazing.

6. I think I liked the color differences better. But maybe that's just something I need to get used to.

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On 5/25/2024 at 8:58 PM, jacobcarson877 said:

Hi team! Been a while since I did one of these but it's moving season and our lovely AGM is in the middle of it. That'll be me next week! Here's a double to get you this week's if you need it, and next week's if you're eager! Feel free to mix and match as needed but don't do the same questions twice in a row!

1. The league is short on defenders this season, how do you plan to take advantage of that personally?
2. Index comes out in a few days, what are your thoughts on our roster at this very moment?
3. What is your player trying to do better this season as opposed to last season?
4. Who is going to be the most important player for our success this season?
5. If you could play with one player from another team this season, who would you want it to be?
6. The new version of the portal is out! What are your initial thoughts?

1. You're put on duty to answer the media for our preseason press conference! What is your relationship with the media like?

2. When talking to the media are you one to stick to the script (pucks in deep!), or are you a bit of a wild spirit?
3. What's some advice that you could give to the new players about dealing with the London media?
4. A press conference turns sour and the media starts blaming a teammate, what is your response?
5. Some people are calling for the firing of the head coach, or perhaps even the General Manager after a 2nd straight Game 7 Finals loss, what's your stance?
6. Rumour has it a large portion of the players are retiring together at the end of the season, how do you inspire the fans to stick with the team for the upcoming rebuild?

second lot of questions


1. Terrible, Sjin hates interviews. Just likes getting back to head to bed :D

2. Absolutely a wild spirit, Sjin does what Sjin likes.

3. Try to avoid the people running at you with knives very important.

4. We play as a team, we win as a team, we lose as a team.

5. Jacob is a fantastic GM, sure we've fell short but he got us there! And lets see how we do this season 

6. That's going to be tough we're losing a lot of players at the end of the season, we're going to be having a tough rebuild.

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London United Presser week ending June 9 2024


1. How are you feeling after a hot start to the season for London?

2. We have two United in the top ten in scoring! Does Triller or Kerr sneak up into the top 5 before the TDL?

3. Who in your opinion is Londons biggest European rival?

4. Triller takes the team out for breakfast as he soaks in his final season with his teammates. Where is he taking everyone?


5. If you went to London for a day IRL, what is one snack you’d want to try?

6. Who’s winning the Stanley Cup final? Florida or Edmonton?

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1 minute ago, Ricer13 said:

London United Presser week ending June 9 2024


1. How are you feeling after a hot start to the season for London?

2. We have two United in the top ten in scoring! Does Triller or Kerr sneak up into the top 5 before the TDL?

3. Who in your opinion is Londons biggest European rival?

4. Triller takes the team out for breakfast as he soaks in his final season with his teammates. Where is he taking everyone?


5. If you went to London for a day IRL, what is one snack you’d want to try?

6. Who’s winning the Stanley Cup final? Florida or Edmonton?

1. Very good, team is looking strong. Looks like we're on for another good season!
2. Absolutely Triller and Kerr are awesome they'll definitely sneak into the top players!
3. It's got to be Malmo currently, theyve always FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY us for first in the conference. Though Moscow is looking very strong.

4. Mexican food, no idea why. I just feel like it would be mexican food.

5. I have been to London many times, wouldn't recommended :D everything is expensive and there's so many peoples. Anyone coming to the UK needs to try greggs :)
6. I am rooting for Florida they deserved it last year and this year is their redemption.

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On 6/5/2024 at 5:46 PM, Ricer13 said:

London United Presser week ending June 9 2024


1. How are you feeling after a hot start to the season for London?

2. We have two United in the top ten in scoring! Does Triller or Kerr sneak up into the top 5 before the TDL?

3. Who in your opinion is Londons biggest European rival?

4. Triller takes the team out for breakfast as he soaks in his final season with his teammates. Where is he taking everyone?


5. If you went to London for a day IRL, what is one snack you’d want to try?

6. Who’s winning the Stanley Cup final? Florida or Edmonton?


1. Confident and excited. But let's not get comfortable, the tide can turn pretty easily. It's still pretty early in the season.


2. It's Triller's year, definitely! Kerr got his 15 minutes of fame last season, now we need to help Triller dominate - not that he needs much help!


3. Helsinki! I remember facing them in the playoffs, I hated playing against them. But is it really a rivalry when they just suck while we are an elite team?


4. I think he's the type of a nice guy who would subtly figure out what kind of food we all like, and then just invite us to a restaurant that ticks the most boxes, without taking into account what cuisine he likes himself.


5. I've been there multiple times. And I must agree with Sjin. Steak bake at Greggs is just *chef's kiss*. Awesome hangover breakfast too.


6. Florida. My prediction was Dallas-Florida, and I wasn't far off. They have the shutdown prowess and goaltending to keep McJesus and Drai somewhat in check I think. And I also absolutely love the Tkachuk boys, I need Matty's name on the Cup!

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Posted (edited)

London United Presser week ending June 16 2024


1. We're firmly into the season and looking pretty good. What's one thing you think we need to improve on?

2. We're 2nd for +/- goal differential with a +29. Do you think we'll be able to eclipse Seattle who has +32 soon?

3. Have you kept an eye on any of the London prospects? Who do you think it going to be a key factor for the future?

4. Triller needs 64 more points to overtake his old teammate Molly the Cat for 2nd place in London United history. What do you think the odds are that he pulls it off?

5. With where we stand, what do you think our odds are of making it to the finals this season?

6. What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?

Edited by aimkin
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17 hours ago, aimkin said:

London United Presser week ending June 16 2024


1. We're firmly into the season and looking pretty good. What's one thing you think we need to improve on?

2. We're 2nd for +/- goal differential with a +29. Do you think we'll be able to eclipse Seattle who has +32 soon?

3. Have you kept an eye on any of the London prospects? Who do you think it going to be a key factor for the future?

4. Triller needs 64 more points to overtake his old teammate Molly the Cat for 2nd place in London United history. What do you think the odds are that he pulls it off?

5. With where we stand, what do you think our odds are of making it to the finals this season?

6. What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?

1. An improvement to our penalty kill would be good, we can't let opponents score once in 4 attempts, especially when we have goons like Wanker on the team.


2. That's a tough ask. We can certainly score more goals than they can, but we're allowing too many shots, which leads to too many goals against, even with great goaltending. I wouldn't bet on us in this.


3. I had the chance to GM Mograine in JST, I believe in them, even though the development hasn't probably been as smooth as expected. But the top prospect has to be Hugo Boss.


4. He certainly has the skill to do so, no doubt about that. But ultimately, someone has to be converting those chances for him to record assists, I'd say there's a 40% chance.


5. We're a playoff team, but I don't really think our current position can predict our playoff success. Malmö has had our number all season long, which is scary, but we've proven ourselves in the playoffs time and time again. Yes, we can do it! Last season's Kanou winner and runner up are still on the team.


6. I'm so bad at this! Maybe because I'm too lazy to think haha. I don't know, the "the" in the middle?

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23 hours ago, aimkin said:

London United Presser week ending June 16 2024


1. We're firmly into the season and looking pretty good. What's one thing you think we need to improve on?

2. We're 2nd for +/- goal differential with a +29. Do you think we'll be able to eclipse Seattle who has +32 soon?

3. Have you kept an eye on any of the London prospects? Who do you think it going to be a key factor for the future?

4. Triller needs 64 more points to overtake his old teammate Molly the Cat for 2nd place in London United history. What do you think the odds are that he pulls it off?

5. With where we stand, what do you think our odds are of making it to the finals this season?

6. What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?

1. Maybe adding another defenceman? That would likely help really solidify our team, but honestly we're looking great!

2. Definitely possible Seattle is one of the strongest teams this season so it's going to be a close battle.

3. Alexandros Mograine currently playing for Cologne will be a good piece in the future. And whilst not a prospect Keegan Gamble is going to be awesome in his time here!

4. I think Triller does it, break the all time team scoring record! It would be awesome to see.

5. Making the finals pfft, we're winning the whole thing!

6. Isn't it obvious, they both have the same middle name 🤣 they should get married then we'll have Alexander the Great Pooh.

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