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Evil Thoughts


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Another week of off season and more tpe to earn. Maybe we can have an extra-long off season so Gunner can break the 1K TPE mark. Yes, I am selfish, but I can always dream.


Looks like we will get a bump in scoring to counter the superhuman goalies we have seen lately. I know the announcement was for transparency, but I wonder if this “Slider” has been moved without others knowing about it. I know that sounds cynical, but it has happened in other types of games/sims.


I hope the BOG doesn't go down the hybrid hole with goalies. It would really fuck up the league in my opinion. I am still getting over the hybrid for forwards. Let our goalies do their thing. It's the last frontier to be your own player.


Another change that, in my opinion, is a good move. Letting recreates earn on their retired players and their new player is a step in the right direction. I wish I could have two active players to play as it is. Maybe when the player base drops, that will be an option. You can only lower the bar for players to be considered active so far. Having earning players from one user would be fun as hell. I am sure there is a reason to not have more than one, but a man can dream right?



Word count: 231

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12 hours ago, Steve said:

Another change that, in my opinion, is a good move. Letting recreates earn on their retired players and their new player is a step in the right direction. I wish I could have two active players to play as it is. Maybe when the player base drops, that will be an option. You can only lower the bar for players to be considered active so far. Having earning players from one user would be fun as hell. I am sure there is a reason to not have more than one, but a man can dream right?


The league tried this once when the member base dropped concerningly. It didn't work for a few reasons I'm not entirely familiar with, but one I can easily think of is just that when you give everyone two players, the average activity per player is cut in half and some teams just become dead. Imagine half your active teammates just preferring another server to yours.


It's also probably pretty solid burnout fuel. I'm sure you or I could be active enough for two players, and maybe not even without an issue. But it's just expecting that much more out of people, some of which just don't have the time to keep up. 

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2 minutes ago, Gustav said:

t's also probably pretty solid burnout fuel. I'm sure you or I could be active enough for two players, and maybe not even without an issue. But it's just expecting that much more out of people, some of which just don't have the time to keep up. 

I am sure we could handle it but I wouldn't make it a mandatory thing. I would think it could work if there was a baseline to even start a second player. Like have your main/first player have 1K tpe or something. I see your point though. It was just me thinking out loud. I enjoy doing the tasks and max earn. I been max earning since I joined in 2019 and I am retired. I have more time on my hands lol. Thanks for the comment my friend.

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