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Overconfident boy

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(I know the formatting sucks and there is no graphics, but my PC decided to sh#t itself and die on me, so have some mercy lol)


After a bit of a down season from some of the core London players, the United managed to claw their way into the postseason carried by their goaltending, depth scoring and Leonard Triller. Triller and Jesse Teno would catch fire in the postseason and will the team into the finals, where they would ultimately lose in 7 games.


Despite the heartbreaking end and Molly the Cat, the franchise leader in all-time goals, announcing their retirement from professional hockey, London players remain positive about the following season.


"Hey, we all have to step up and work even harder with Molly gone," said Wann Kerr, "and I'm up for it. I feel the best I've ever felt, on the ice I mean."


When asked about that will the biggest strengths of the S93 United be, Kerr said: "Jesse in the net and Triller up front. Obviously, we're not allowed to use the services of betting companies, we are only their advertisers, but if we were allowed to bet, I'd put my full base salary on Triller winning hardware. I've seen him practice the whole Summer. If you ask me, he's The best hockey player on the planet right now. Watch him score 120 points while awarding me with 50 goals!"


It's great to see players this confident and excited for the following season. And if the World Cup is a teaser for what's to come, London will surely omce again be a powerhouse.

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