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Teno Awakens...


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Jesse Teno woke up to the sound of a door closing in their dark London flat located deep within the city. They were on their couch, head pounding, and their hands wet. No. Not just their hands. Their clothing too. It was sticking to their skin and felt thick. Jesse sat up slowly, wanting to rub what felt like sleep from their eyes but their hands stopped when the wetness smelled metallic. They finally stood, feeling wobbly on their feet, and made their way towards the bathroom. They stumbled on furniture that had been moved out of place. But finding the bathroom light was easy; just reach around the wall and slap the button. The light stung, telling them that they had been in darkness for quite a while. When their eyes finally adjusted and they looked up into the mirror, they were shocked to see themselves covered in blood. 


Fresh. Blood.


152 words for week ending 4/14/2024

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