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Re-Branding Seattle to Idaho


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I am pretty happy to have Theme Week upon us again for that sweet sweet TPE.  I just spent the week in Coeur D’Alene Idaho at a nice resort that sits on the massive Coeur D’Alene lake.  The weather was nice, sun out, a much different environment than my home near Seattle Washington where it is chilly and take a guess?   Yep, raining!  Now, I have been told by my wife that the weather will be nice this weekend but I still don’t believe it.  Therefore, for my re-branding the beloved Seattle Bears hockey club will be moved to Coeur D’Alene Idaho.  


To start the re-branding thought the team name and colors must be changed.  I did some research into some current Idaho sports team names to get an idea.  We have the Idaho Vandals, Broncos, Idaho Steelheads (minor hockey), the North Idaho College Cardinals, and some high school team names of Mushers, Wampus Cats, Maniacs, Cutthroat, and the Braves- recently changed to Brave.


Some interesting names for sure but not something I had in mind for our new club.  Named for Native American tribe it is known for its enormous 25 square mile lake, small but vibrant city, and two amazing golf courses. The City sits on the border of Washington State and is close to a major airport in Spokane, WA.  Famous celebs that own homes in CDA are Wayne Gretzky, John Elway, and Tiger Woods.  Although, despite hosting a hockey camp at the nearby rink the Great One and family are rarely seen in town.  


So enough of a history and whats what with the City lets choose some team colors.  The identity of a team in Idaho must be one of ruggedness and grit.  Winters are harsh Idaho and the people need a little bit of nastiness to get through.  So that being said the colors for the new club with be a dark green with black lettering, outlined with silver border.  These colors will match the evergreen mountains that span the Inland Empire.  


The team name was difficult.  We could certainly keep the Bears team name since the brown and black bear populate the area heavily.  Certainly the Coyote, Mountain lion, Badger, Eagles, Hawks, Sturgeon, and other wildlife could all fit as well.    


I picked a few names that I liked and they are:








Bone Crushers – Only for the cool logo in my head


It was hard and I went back and forth numerous times and changed the names numerous times.  I almost kept the Bears team name as well to honor my home State.  But I finally decided, and the new team’s name will be:


The Coeur D’Alene Rampage


So according to Marriam-Webster dictionary - Rampage: noun- : a course of violent, riotous, and reckless action or behavior.


I can think of no better team identity than this name.  I wish I was decent at graphics and I would have made a graphic but I am terrible at it so sorry. 


Hope all is well with everyone



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5 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

What about the Idaho Tatters? Isn't the potatoe THE staple of the Idaho economy?

This was my first thought as well but more Coeur D’Alene Potatoes

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5 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

Isn't the potatoe THE staple of

Very true.   Be an interesting mascot.   lol 

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On 4/13/2024 at 1:38 AM, Gaikoku-hito said:

This was my first thought as well but more Coeur D’Alene Potatoes

Well let's be thourough then: Coeur D'Alene is French (meaning 'Alene's Heart' and I do not dare to explore why it bears that name) so let's name it 'Coeur D'Alene Pommes de Terre' however this seems rather lenghty, so I would suggest to use the more colloquial term 'Coeur D'Alene Patate'... And since a lot of non-French speakers cannot deal with a silent e, it will sound a lot like 'paytaytee'

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