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Rebranding Some of the VHL


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For this media I will be talking about teams from the VHL, VHLE and VHLM in regard to rebranding. Because I suck at making graphics, I will be doing this by simply talking about the team names and logos, not showing them.


1. VHLM. Miami Marauders- Miami Night. Personally, I've never seen a team simply named "night" so I'll explain why I chose this strange name. Miami is known for its night life and bright florescent lights. Their jerseys would include florescent lights and be flashy overall. I think an appropriate logo for this rebranding would be a pair of eyes glowing neon green. This would also give Miami the chance to really spice up their arena. Every time they scored a goal on home ice, the lights could go up with strobe lights coming down on the ice. I would recommend the goal song being club like music to increase the vibes even more. 


2. VHLE. Oslo Storm- Oslo Warriors. Whenever I think of Norway, I think of Vikings. How sick would it be to have a team from Norway with a logo of a big, bearded Viking. Instead of an axe or sword, this Viking could be wielding a hockey stick. Out of all the teams I am writing about in this article, the storm has my favorite branding, it's just too hard to pass up on rebranding this Norwegian team to something related to Vikings. 


3. VHL. Moscow Menace- Moscow Mafia. For some reason the two Ms in a row really scratch an itch in my brain. The Menace isn't a bad idea for a Moscow branded team, but I think the Mafia just sounds much cooler. Being the only Russian team in the VHL, I think the Mafia should have a red themed branding.


4. VHL. Riga Reign- Riga Bears. This is probably the most basic rebranding I would consider. Riga is host to lots of diverse wildlife, one of them being the Eurasian brown bear. While I don't have a problem with their current branding, Latvia has never been known much for their royal heritage and many of their royal families have German heritage. When it comes to the branding of teams, I like it when the branding ties into something that is related to the team's location. By naming them the bears this would give a nod to one of the most well recognized animals across all of Latvia.   


5. VHLM. Mexico City Kings- Mexico City Settlers. The name settlers are inspired by the Aztecs, who are deep rooted in the history of Mexico. Naming this team after the Aztec tribe would allow for much opportunity, when it comes to branding the team. The jerseys could have beautiful patterns and vibrant colors and the logo could have anything to do with the ancient tribe. When many people think of iconic hockey jerseys, the Coyotes jersey usually comes to mind. The Settlers could make a jersey similar to the Coyotes and I'm almost certain it would be a hit throughout the VHL world. 


Overall, I think the VHL branding is done well. Shoutout to everyone who's put time and effort into making the branding of this league so good!

Edited by Fno
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