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The C.G.Y. Janser Story, Part XXVI: An 8/9th Interview

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graphic courtesy by Leandrofg

(stats for Janser, stats for Kagamine)


The New York Americans sit at third seed in the NA conference after 64 games played and a 36-19-9 record. They still sport the best defence in their conference and arguably in the league. While London, Moscow, Warsaw and Malmö have less goals against, they also have 1-3 games less played and hence their respective stats need to be taken with a pinch of salt. Our correspondent from the Big Apple Dick Hammer has caught up with the Swiss back for a brief interview.


DH: 'Good Morning, Callum. Thanks for meeting us. Nearing the end of the regular season New York looks like they are playoff-bound.'

CGY: 'Hi Dick. Indeed, if my math is correct, we should at least make the Wild Card games. Our remaining schedule contains matches against LA, Vancouver and Calgary, who have not the best season for different reasons. The Stars are clearly in a rebuild and the Wolves and the Wranglers do not perform as well as their rosters would suggest. Unfortunately, catching the Bears is now out of our hands, as we do not face them anymore in the regular season and we need to rely on them to dropping points in their remaining matches. This is a tall call with such an experienced GM like Campbell at the helm.'

DH: 'You reached a hundred points in the VHL and doubled your goal production compared to last year. Do you develop into a more offensive minded defender now?'

CGY: 'I think that would be too ambitious. Of course I work on this areas as well, as they are not as developed as my defensive skills. But I guess I will never become a high scoring defender like uncle BoJo.'

DH: 'You mean Bo Johansson the Chicago legend? I did not know that you are related.'

CGY: 'I call him 'uncle' because my dad bonded with him during their mutual careers and latest since the S86 Award ceremony, when my old man won all the forward awards and Bo collected all the defensive awards. But yeah, I think my offensive play has improved a bit, but it is certainly not my strong suit. I am more capable at the defensive side of the game and I doubt this will change. It is just my style of game. In that respect, I am more similar to Marcel than dad.'

DH: 'Since you were named alternate captain in your rookie season, we have seen a massive development in your leadership, a trait which is often overlooked in modern hockey.'

CGY: 'I think it is an important factor. It does not necessarily need a letter on your chest. One can lead in many different ways. I have seen people who lead very vocal. Others lead by example and only speak up if the shit hits the fan. Which gives their words so much more weight. Both of them can work and I am not saying one is better than the other. In the army, I could exert leadership partly because it was backed up by rank given to me. Alas, in the Swiss army, everyone starts as a grunt and has to earn their stripes by a combination of leadership and competence. I got more confident this season, as I have proven my competence on the ice in my rookie campaign.'

DH: 'Are you looking forward to the playoffs?'

CGY: 'Every professional athlete worth his salt does. This is when the rubber hits the road. This is the time when boys are separated from men. There are players who live for that time of the year. They may have mediocre regular seasons, just to become clutch players in the post-season. Claude Lemieux in the 94-95 NHL season comes to mind for example. Dude was meh in the regular season but won the cup and the Conn Smythe. However, our team will do whatever we can to break the New York playoff curse. There are some players like Freddy and Vinny who would like to end their careers with a second cup.'

DH: 'Okay, that were all the questions I had. Thanks and good luck in the playoffs.'

CGY: 'Thanks for having me.'


Stats for 'the Beauty and the Beast'

Rin: 64gp, 7g, 15a, 22pts, +13, 24 PIM, 57 hits, 96sb, 2gwg, 4ppg

Janser: 64gp, 12g, 42a, 54pts, +32, 164 PIM, 111sb, 1gwg, 6ppg, 1 First Star distinction











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