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Claimed:He's not dead? [6/6 Final]


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It has been a long time since I have actually written a media spot on here. I had to spend a couple hours just to clean my typewriter and make sure it actually worked. But it is nice to be back. So now to the important stuff.


How is KJA doing? Well I can say he's doing alright. He has not gotten nearly the same amount of practice hours that we all wished he would, but he still had 71 points in 72 games with Quebec this season, despite the team being full of stars which has actually caused a large increase in potential trading interest in KJA. Rumor has it that Riga, Calgary, and Cologne are interested in acquiring KJA. In talks with KJA about potential new homes for the Russian forward, he had the following to say:


"As of now these are simply rumors. I have full faith in GM Sergey Brovalenko. If he feels like a move is in the team's best interest than I am fully willing to go where I am told. I just want to play hockey."




KJA was then asked about what he thought of Riga having interest in him. For those of you who do not know KJA's history, KJA was drafted 5th overall by the Riga Reign in S36. He played another season in the VHLM with the Yukon Rush, and then was called up to Riga for S38. KJA's VHL rookie season was definitely a forgettable one, and he was traded to Quebec before the start of S39. Here is what KJA had to say about possibly going to the team that drafted him:


"You know I really loved it in Riga despite my rookie season being relatively poor. I feel really close to the Gow brothers and I consider them my family. Mike, our GM, was a great guy and I honestly really loved it there. When I heard I had been traded, I honestly cried for a couple of hours. So going back to Riga would be really awesome. I feel like I have something to prove in Riga and I left before doing my thing."


So basically, KJA wants to go to Riga if you all did not get the hint. I also have heard that apparently ex-Riga players who start out with Riga, then go to another team, and then return to Riga have amazing seasons with Riga and win cups. I would not mind being apart of that transition, and in talks with GM Brovalenko that might be happening. Let us just hope that this tenure with Riga lasts longer than one season and is WAY more productive with them.




If you are wondering about GM Bruce Wayne and the Moscow Red Wolves, he and the team are doing relatively okay, but Moscow is kind of in a weird spot where they don't have any assets as a result of a S38 and S39 bid for a cup which failed miserably. So Moscow is probably going to ride another season of sucking and then hopefully turn into something in S42 where rumor has it, they are stockpiling draft picks.


But anyway, this is all I have time for, I hope you all enjoyed my return from the dead in this article. Please do not be harsh on the grading as this is paying for my upkeep on the typewriter. Please tip your waiters and waitresses as they have worked very hard, except for Harley. She's a bitch.


Love you guys!

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  • Senior Admin

Content: 3/3

Good to see you writing articles again. If only you would do it every week! KJA had a pretty good season this past season and I hope it continues whether he ends up in Riga, Cologne, whatever. Although I will say that I will enjoy beating you if you end up somewhere in the European Conference. 


Grammar: 2/2

honestly really loved = honestly felt really loved (?)

and in talks with GM Brovalenko that might be happening  (doesn't really make sense)


Appearance: 1/1

Color, pictures.


Overall: 6/6

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