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The howl behind the Wolves: Rip Wheeler on and Off the Ice


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The howl behind the Wolves: Rip Wheeler on and Off the Ice


The Vancouver Wolves wouldn't be the same without Rip Wheeler. A new addition this off season (before season 94), he was brought it to contribute right away. This isn't just about his solid stats through 39 games – 17 goals, 24 assists, and a plus-24 rating showcase a well-rounded game. Honestly, it’s about the fire he brings to every shift, the energy that fills the arena when he's on the ice. It’s about every shift and every chirp “keep your head up baud!” 


Rip isn't about flashy dekes or solo efforts. He’s never been a star, even in juniors. He's just the ultimate team player, the kind of guy coaches love and opponents hate. He’s a “t-triple-g” when he’s on your team, and a “rat” when he’s on the other team. He sees the ice, anticipates plays, and sets up his teammates for success. His 24 assists speak volumes about his unselfishness, he has an ability to find the open man and create scoring opportunities. The plus-24 rating further emphasizes his positive impact on the ice, with the Wolves outscoring their opponents whenever he's on the ice. Again, he does whatever the team needs. 


But Rip's influence extends far beyond the stat sheet. He's the “glue guy” in the locker room, the one who keeps the team loose and motivated. Need pre-game white claws? Rips the guy. The boys need some extra lip pillow, upper decky rippers from Zynbabwe mid game? Rips the guy. Big win, night on the town? Rips buying the whole bar brewskis and top shelf all night, all for the boys! 


His teammates in the room rely on his infectious enthusiasm, his ability to lift spirits after a tough loss or fire everyone up before a big game. He loves the camaraderie, the shared experience of battling for victory with his brothers on the ice and in the room. 


And then there's the other side of Rip – the one that enjoys a good time…usually a whiskey (or 2!) after the game, the one who frequents the local cigar lounge, likely with a shit eating grin looking for trouble! He's the guy who loves playing pranks on his buddy Logan Ninefingers– a testament to the strong bond he shares with his teammates, both on and off the ice. Rip is quick to remind Logan that he’ll always be less of a man, with less appendages than him. 


Back to the ice, Rips blend of grit, skill, and lightheartedness is what makes him an emerging fan favorite in Vancouver. Fans admire his dedication, his relentless hustle, and his ability to put the team first. They see a bit of themselves in him – the hard worker, blue collar guy, a loyal dude who knows how to have a good time.


Rip Wheeler is more than just a hockey player. He's the heart and soul of the Vancouver Wolves, a player who leads by example, inspires the boys, and entertains the fans. He's the kind of player you build around, the kind of guy whose jersey will hang in the rafters one day…maybe not because of the stats, but because of what he meant to the team and the city. When it’s all said and done, Rip will be the symbol of an era and the embodiment of what it means to be a meat eating member of the Vancouver Wolves! 


575 words 






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