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Merging the VHLE and the VHLM to make a farm-team type system

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I know this misleading title sounds like I want to abolish the VHLE but I’m not going to spark anything so controversial. This is basically a “what if we..” type deal where I’m not actually making a suggestion that we change anything, just more-so wondering what it would look like on the surface if we decide to merge the 2 leagues together so that it’s just the M but with 16 teams. Let’s dive in to some random ideas here and also make some adjustments that will probably need to be made if this were to actually happen.


The 2 leagues merge, all becoming known as the VHLM. The VHLE currently has 6 teams and the TPA cap is set to 500, so we’ll need to adjust that and make the new “M” TPA cap around 350-ish.  If we go too high, newer player will find problems with entering the league, and if 35 tpa is the bare minimum (10% of what the new max would be) I don’t think it will be super drastic but any higher could be potentially be problematic with 16 teams in the same league at the entry level. 


I also feel a 350 tpa player in comparison to let’s say a 175 tpa player is much better and easier to achieve league-wide, than needing to reach 250 tpa to only be half way to the 500 capped players. It could also give more incentive for players that are max earning, to stay down another season at 350 and bank their TPE instead of moving up right away. The cap being set at 350 also allows GM’s to develop their own prospects and give them the option to be called up to the main roster at 350+ or let them bank.


Now here is where things get interesting and what “allows GM’s to develop their own prospects and give them the option to be called up to the main roster”— What if we matched the new VHLE/M teams to the current VHL teams like a farm-team type system? The 16 VHLM teams each get assigned to 1 VHL team, and every pick that the VHL team drafts; will play for their VHLM team unless they are traded or re-sign elsewhere after their entry level contract expires. This also means that the GM’s in the VHLM no longer need to draft, and have to stay in communication with the GM for the VHL team they are under. 

For example: The Ottawa Lynx become the farm team for idk let’s say the Seattle Bears. The Draft happens and the Bears take John Doe 1st overall. He will play for the Ottawa Lynx unless he is traded which requires 2 GMs (the 1 from Seattle and the 1 from Ottawa) to discuss with each other what trades (and draft choices) benefit the future of the Bears and the development of the young stars that will be playing for the Lynx. 


We would also need to split the VHLM into 2 conferences like the VHL and iron out so many more details to make any of this possible. This is just something that I’ve been wondering about and since theme week is about the VHLM, it got me thinking about this idea of making it more like a farm-team type system to the VHL.


(555 words)

I actually touched on this in a long ago post as an idea! Let me go find it and I’ll link it. That is, if I can find it 🤔

6 minutes ago, KaleebtheMighty said:

I actually touched on this in a long ago post as an idea! Let me go find it and I’ll link it. That is, if I can find it 🤔

Just now, KaleebtheMighty said:

Found it:



Yessss this is what I’m talking about! I’m reading through it and I love your ideas dude!!!


I definitely recommend that everyone who reads this, checks out @KaleebtheMighty’s older post about this too!🔥

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