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Let's catch up, shall we?


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During this off season, I have needed to take a bit of a step away from being a max earner. And that makes me sad. Honestly. I truly enjoy interacting in the forums and discord servers but life and work have just been too overwhelming and busy for me to give the VHL the attention I want to. I miss writing and I miss doing the occasional podcast. I’ll be honest and say that part of it is my mental health. I’ve started back up on anti-depressants and I’ve started seeing a new therapist. So I’m hoping to get back to where I was. I’m not burnt out; I can say that for sure. I’ve just lost ability to find joy in things, one of which is online interaction. Not to say that I’m not always reading discord or muting Moscow during the work day. I’m still around, just keeping it quiet for a bit.


I do love that I finally got the updater job. It’s the one job I have wanted since I joined 2 years ago and I think this was my 4th(?) time applying. So thanks to the updater team for hiring me! It’s for sure making this funk easier to get through knowing I don’t have to sweat some TPE. 


I miss interacting and I’m sorry I’ve not been reading anything that any of my friends have been posting. Maybe this weekend I’ll find some time to catch up and check it all out. But for now, I’m just going to do what I can, and I would understand if that hurt my draft stock. Though I do promise that whoever drafts me, I’m going to do all that I can.

285 words for week ending 7/21/2024

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Thanks for giving all you had during the season to add to the overall atmosphere. I won't lie, near the end things we're looking bleak for me too, sure you we weren't the only people to feel that way. Right now I'm running off electrolytes 🤪 

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I'm glad you're making sure to take care of yourself and not burning yourself out and I hope you're doing ok. Looking forward to Tano's career and anything you decide to create in the future- it's all so good!

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real life always comes first and hope you get back to feeling like yourself soon! whoever drafts you is going to get a gem, as seen with what you’ve done with teno. looking forward to our future potential defenseman rivalry, my friend! :cheers:

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