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The End... For Now


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So that's the end... for now.


My first ever VHL player is done.  I went all the way to the end with him and it feels good to have my first one play out as he has.  The end however feels unceremonious, like putting out a candle during a bonfire, hardly subtracting from the overall glow.  Oddly, I am a bit sad it is done.  After two seasons in the M, a season in the E and seven awesome seasons in the VHL with London, my player ends his career with 1983 TPE and 1585 TPA.


I created Leonard Triller about a month before I became a father.  I don't quite remember why I decided to join at that specific time, but I know I wanted a place other than work to be creative and I love hockey so it seemed like a perfect fit.  When I joined the league I didn't start by max earning.  I missed the last 2 TPE for a whole season as I was too busy learning the forum and trying to figure out how the portal and index worked.  Trivia didn't seem enjoyable without context and I didn't want to review other members' work before I had enough of my own to show and be available for the same scrutiny.  Eventually, I realized that the reviewing wasn't very in-depth and that the trivia still wasn't enjoyable even with context so the max earning began!  


I continued the max earning trend until the end and am very happy to have stuck with it.  After 56 weeks of my players career I have created roughly 40 graphics, not including .coms.  I've done 3D animated, 2D animated, and traditional 2D graphics.  I've created team hype videos, draft graphics for the VHLM, a VHL AD for social media and even created a fake custom stick company and put out a showcase catalogue with working QR codes that take you to 3D renders of each custom stick.  I have also created and continue to update 3D versions of all three championship trophies for the winning teams to celebrate with.  Sometimes it was hard to come up with ideas and I had to drop the 3D stuff near the end due to time constraints but I managed to figure out a path to the end.  I am proud of what I have created over this career and am already planning ahead for the next.  Just need to update that portfolio!


So far in my time here I've met some great people that I will likely be seeking out to play with, or for, when I recreate and I've also come across some people that I will likely be avoiding.  No one has been terrible but I've learned who I'd get along with the best and hopefully I can share a locker room with those people.  Still a lot of people I've not had the pleasure to chat with but hopefully that changes!  I will continue to be active in the league by providing championship teams with trophy updates, continuing to send recruitment the league standing videos and keeping up with my duties as the AGM in Helsinki for as long as Sam wants to GM the team.  I don’t know when I will create again but I will for sure have a new player in the league as it hits its 100th season.  The main reason I am not recreating right away is because within the next week, I will once again become a father to a new, little human.  @Subject056 has powered through and I am very proud of her!  We got this!


I would @ a bunch of people for commenting or reacting on what I have created during my time as well as all the people I have enjoyed the LR with and anyone else I have interacted with or worked with but you all know who you are and I am still around anyways so hit me up whenever about whatever and in my sleep deprived state I will chat you back!  I am cooking up my next player and am excited to start the new career off with a bang whenever that may be!


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It's been amazing playing and hanging with you, Triller. Can't wait to see what the future has in store for you and your next player. 

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Congrats on a fantastic VHL career, but more importantly, congrats on adding a new family member in the very near future!  You’re a VHL member I’ve really looked up to and admired having joined the league not too long ago myself and you’ve contributed some amazing stuff to the community with your graphics and interactions.  I look forward to seeing your next player whenever you decide the time is right to return, but in the meantime I wish you and @Subject056 all the best with your family!

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Triller, congrats on not only an incredible VHL career but the new addition to your family! Your work has impacted and shaped the league in such a positive light and it’s always such a pleasure to interact with you and the amazing content you’ve put out these past two years! I’ve learned so much in the graphics department just by seeing what you create and gaining inspiration as well as ways to push my own work. I wish you and Subject the best with your family, and like many others, look forward to your return whenever the time is right! :cheers:

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Yeah my understanding is you have a ton of free time after having a kid, so I can see why you would pick up a new hobby right before having one.

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1 hour ago, Garsh said:

Yeah my understanding is you have a ton of free time after having a kid, so I can see why you would pick up a new hobby right before having one.

After the first one, we actually had a good amount of time!  Baby just slept while we either tried to sleep or just did some VHL stuff lol but with a newborn and a toddler, the game changes.  Gonna be a bit different! lol

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