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Inker Belle gets drafted

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 Inker Belle leans back in her chair, trying to calm her nerves as she waits for a call on her phone. She was in the VHL draft green room, and the 14th pick had just gone by, meaning that the first round of the draft is almost over. She was considering getting up and going to grab a coke when her phone rings and she almost drops her phone as she goes to answer "I-Inker Belle here, Inkling and hockey player!"


 "Oh good I did get the right number" the voice on the other end chuckles "this is Doug, the general manager of the Toronto Legion. We would like to know if you would like being drafted with our next draft pick"


 "Oh yes I would absolutely love to!" Inker Belle says excitedly "can't wait to start working with you! Plus, I can totally dig going to the mountains on vacation"


 "Oh that is great to hear!" Doug says "alright we are about to announce the pick, so prepare to walk out to the podium" At that, Inker checks her makeup and tentacle hair to make sure that they are still looking good as the Commissioner walked up to the podium.


 "With the 15th pick in the VHL draft" the Commissioner begins to say "the Toronto Legion select..Inker Belle, of the San Diego Marlins!" Inker Belle smiles as she gets up from her chair and begins to walk to the podium. She notices that he camera was a bit too high to fully see her and motions it down to her level. Luckily it was a machine operated camera so it didn't require a human to bend down a hurt their back. Inker smiles as she takes her Legion hat and jersey and smiles and waves to the camera.


 "This is an interesting pick" one of the live commentary people say "some people said that in a stronger class, she may have gone in the second round, but she had a massive VHLM season with 72 points in 72 games and has tons of upside. Still, her smaller frame may cause issues and she seems a bit naive. All the potential in the world, but we'll just have to see if she realizes it fully"


 Inker shakes the Commissioners hand and walked off the podium to the back, where she called Doug and continued her conversation "I did some research on Toronto and it seems to be a pretty fun place"


 "Yeah I would say that it is" Doug says "now we think that you should stay another season down in the VHLM and perhaps have a season in the VHLE before you are ready to come up to the VHL, does that sound good to you?"


 "Yeah I think that is fair" Inker smiles "honestly I do think that I need more training, my problems with adjusting to human hockey are still there. Also before you ask, I cannot put on more weight, this is as big as I can get. My biology won't let me get any bigger"


 "We'll find ways around that" Doug says "anyways, I'll call you again to organize a Zoom meeting, so see you then"


 "Right, stay fresh!"

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