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60 Internet Minutes: The Dark Side of Simulation Leagues


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What happened to TheFinnFTW? From YouTube content creation to sending links to dating sites on a simulation hockey forum.  The forum police of VHL were quick to take action, but the footprints can still be seen on Google by searching with "TheFinnFTW" and navigating to page 4 of the results or simply searching with "TheFinnFTW site:vhlforum.com". The point of this article is to analyze the situation further to get a better understanding of what happened.


If memory serves me correctly TheFinnFTW partnered with VHL years ago in some kind of VHL advertising campaign. The goal was to get the followers of TheFinnFTW to join VHL. It is entirely possible that as a part of the deal, TheFinnFTW was given a chance to advertise and promote something close to their heart in VHL. Based on the research I have done around this case suggests no previous attempts of promotion have been made in VHL by TheFinnFTW until now. I think I speak for everybody when I ask: Moderators - what is wrong with you?


In this cold and lonely world we live in, is there anything more noble than promoting love? TheFinnFTW, an experienced content creator, knows how to capture the attention of an audience. They did not use lame advertising words, they went with words that capture the reader's attention. What sounds shallow and superficial is in reality the total opposite. Just like with supermarkets, you might be there to buy milk, but before you ever get to the milk section you have to walk past the candy and clothing sections. TheFinnFTW knows fun and casual can quickly turn into serious, and they used it in their promotion. However, intoxicated by power, the moderators were not able to see beyond what was in front of them. By refusing TheFinnFTW to promote a project of theirs in VHL the moderators also denied the good people of VHL meaningful relationships that could have been found if the good people of VHL were given a chance to visit the site promoted by TheFinnFTW.


It is also entirely possible that the email and password TheFinnFTW used in VHL have now been compromised and someone was able to log in to their account and post to VHL.  Or dare I say:  the email and password TheFinnFT used in VHL have now been leaked and someone was able to log in to their account and post to VHL. It is no secret that TheFinnFTW never truly visited VHL. Between all three players they created they earned a disgusting 2 TPE in total, and that was from practice facility claim.  Rumors state that TheFinnFTW was paid to promote VHL. Unhappy by the lack of presence of TheFinnFTW in VHL and by the lack of recreating recruits that came through TheFinnFTW, the big suits of VHL wanted to teach TheFinnFTW a lesson by having a "virtual hitman" post a link to a dating site and having the topic come up in Google searches, which is something that might not look good if you want to remain discreet about your promotional efforts.


OR is this whole case a false flag by another simulation league? It is no secret that VHL has been dominating the simulation league scene for some time now. Paying TheFinnFTW to log in to VHL and to post a link to a dating site would make it appear that TheFinnFTW's login info is compromised. No matter how their login information was compromised - VHL would be seen in less than ideal light, which is exactly what a rival simulation league would want.


Was TheFinnFTW just trying to promote a project close to their heart? Was TheFinnFTW set up by the suits of VHL, or is another simulation league running a dirty campaign in the hopes of making VHL look bad? At this point, I can say that there are more questions than there is answers. Perhaps when enough time has gone by someone will speak up and we will learn what really happened.

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