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S95 Mississauga Hounds Press Conferences

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1. I think our chances are good, especially if we work hard to grow and keep pushing ourselves.


2. I'd like to clear 20 points; I had 9 in 12 games last season, and I'd like to think that's for sure achievable.


3. At the moment, maybe more defensive? Which isn't a bad thing, but scoring might be something to look for at the waiver wire.


4. For me as a defenseman, that Defensive Coverage baby.


5. Hard to say! I'll go 56-12-4.


6. Rock climbing. It looks awesome but I'm also kinda scared of heights so that probably wouldn't work. Spent a day at a climbing gym though for my birthday a while ago and it was fun as hell, even though I stuck to the shorter stuff.

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4 minutes ago, mmrs617 said:

1. I like our team, I think we can reach the playoffs and once there anything is possible.

2. I'd be really happy if I reached the 20 points. Otherwise it's mostly playing the whole season, throwing hits and blocking shots.

3. I'd say we're more of an offensive team right now. We might need a little more depth defensively.

4. Body Checking, if the other guys are in the hospital, they can't score.

5. 36-24-12, just a random prediction but 50/50 seems good.

6. I'd say streaming, it looks fun, but I never really tried.

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1. I dont believe in chances. All i believe is hard work and dedication. Results vary from that


2. I dont really think about that, just trying to achieve as much as i can


3. I think we are currently more offensive


4.Everything has the same level of importance. Of course i like to see the ice well, so ill go with offensive vision.

5. 58-9-5 no problem


6. I always have wanted to learn to play instruments, but havent got the time for that


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1) All around team play. We are first in goals for. If we can step up defense and give our goalie a fighting chance every night, it will stay this way.


2) Honestly, yes. Our lines are very well put together, so a lot of credit needs to go to our gm and head coach.


3) I hope to wear the A with integrity and am happy to call Kovalenko our captain


4) i would say hits because it makes them think twice before putting their head down and it can make them hesitate to shoot.


5) Yes, but im extremely swamped by life and work


6) all have their place, so it depends on what mood im in i guess


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1. I feel like every line and player has stepped up to the challenge and are working hard.


2. I had a feeling we would do well but we’re doing better than I had dared hoped.


3. No one was more surprised than me to receive the C, and I hope I can continue to lead the locker room and team in the right way, supporting both the management as well as my fellow players in whatever way I can or is most needed. I don’t take the letter or the responsibilities that come with it lightly and I will do my utmost for the Hounds, on the ice or off.


4. I would say hits because if you can knock them off the puck, they don’t even get the chance to shoot.


5. Oh yes and I try to make sure I’m always picking those up. Every little bit helps.


6. I’m a staycation person all the way. I like to explore my local area or just have time to do the things that I want to, not that I have to.

Edited by OblivionWalker
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1 hour ago, mmrs617 said:

1. I think we've been good on both sides of the ice, our defense has been solid and helped our rookie goalie, and our offense did a great job at scoring a lot of goals.


2. I admit I didn't expect it for myself, as a defensive dman I'm not really used to have a lot of points, but being almost a point per game is a really pleasant surprise.


3. They're all great guys and do a lot on the ice, they're great leaders. Guys that are great both on and off the ice are so important to create a good team culture and a successful team.


4. They're both important but when you block a shot you're the one at risk of injury. In my opinion hits are better because a good hit eliminate a shooting chance more reliably than hoping to get hit by the puck, it also puts the risk of injury on your opponent instead of yourself.


5. Yes, I do trivia questions every week.


6. It depends, kinda like on the ice I'm more of a stay-at-home guy, but I also like museums or historical sites.

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1. I dont think it’s much of a surprise, i believe this team can achieve much.


2. Yeah, our team has enough skill and chemistry to contribute on offense


3. They are born leaders, nothing else i can say.


4. Both, but i prefer blocked shots since it gets the team pumped and might save a goal.


5. Yeah, i have been doing those


6. I just prefer staying home and meeting friends and family

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On 8/12/2024 at 1:59 PM, mmrs617 said:

1.  As a team overall I think we having been working hard and putting our effort into the areas that need it the most. 


2.  I joined the first few games but watching the team put their best foot forward was very expected.


3.  I feel very positive about these choices and the overall growing camaraderie in the locker room.


4.  I think blocking shots is the most important element on the rink. 


5.  I just finished my 2 trivia questions a few minutes ago!


6.  As much as I love staying home, a nice trip away is always a fun experience. 

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1) we gotta up our defense. Our offense is insane, but we give up way too many goals


2) i feel like Clapbomb is on a down year. He’s in the top 10 for shots, but isn’t anywhere near the top 10 in goals. He’s gotta get his act together 


3) be prepared to be active a lot if you want to succeed


4) i would say puck handling because you can make up for lack of strength by passing or evading checks


5) Legion or Reapers by far


6) totally not biased at all. USA

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13 hours ago, mmrs617 said:

1. Recently we've been pretty constistently 1-1 with some 2-0, I don't think we've had an 0-2 sim, so I'd say we're pretty consistent and should continue like this.


2. I'm feeling really good, Kurt is doing is job well, hitting people, having a good +/-, he manages to score points pretty consistently at almost a ppg pace and recently even started scoring some goals so I'm really happy.


3. I'm a first gen player so I don't know if what I'm doing is good or have advice since I'm relatively new too. But I guess have in mind what kind of player you want to make and focus on that instead of trying to make a player good at everything that will end up mediocre at everything. Not sure if it's good advice but it's my advice.


4. They're both really important in being able to protect the puck, expecially in your own zone as a dman. Right now I'm trying to work on them both relatively equally.


5. Sorry for the betrayal but I really like the Marlins logo. Sorry, I'm a Sharks fan and it's the closest one there is.


6. Europe, we've got pizza, pasta, fries, steaks. We also have the best cheeses, wines, beers... We've got pretty much everything, especially if you add regional specialties. American food is a bad copy of european food without taste or way too much fat and additives that aren't evel legal in europe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. I feel like we've really gotten some good guys to fill in some of the gaps that we had, if our record recently is anything to go by.


2. I'll never say never but Las Vegas is really looking strong.


3. Las Vegas for sure. They've had our number a lot of the time.


4. Blue Gatorade


5. Definitely model him off of the guy I use for his face, Colton Parayko.


6. Depends on the game. A Shea Weber slapshot would hurt but if it was the difference between winning a trophy or not? I'd do it.

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2 minutes ago, ace_five_ said:


1. Our GM acquired some excellent players that should help up a lot.


2. I really think we're a strong contender, we've been doing well all season and just got some strong additions to our roster.


3. I feel like it's Miami, the games were close and our record against them this season is 5-4.


4. I'm not a sports drinks guy, so it's Coke or Water.


5. My model is Scott Stevens, best shut down dman of all time, best hitter of all time.


6. Sure, I might die but at least I did my job.

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1. I came just after TDL but the Hounds are on a roll so that must mean we did alright! 


2. If we keep rolling like we have been, we're only 10 points away with 12 games remaining so anything is possible. Beating Vegas definitely helped.


3. Again I haven't been around much this season but we're tied with the Reapers for 1st in the EU and the Hounds have always had fierce rivalry with Philly.


4. I'm not a huge Gatorade fan so maybe that Triple X Vitamin Water? That's tasty. Or Pepsi, if I can sneak it past the trainers...


5. I'm modeling my player largely of off Quinn Hughes. Smaller but speedy and great offensively and defensively. I'm hoping he'll be more of a shooter than Quinn.


6. Depends on if the goal would matter... No I probably would. Might write that into my next contract...

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1. I honestly don't know, I believe I came in after the trade deadline. To be on good terms with the management team, I'll reckon they've done a top notch job.


2. I mean, we're currently on a 9 game winning streak. The playoffs are always a different animal everywhere, but it shows that we've got the right momentum going forward.


3. Whatever team we happen to play in the first round of the playoffs. Las Vegas and Philadelphia are ahead of us, so I'll pick the two of them.


4. Gatorade is the shit, but whiskey cola will also suffice.


5. Ron World Peace. The original, that is. I've never watched hockey so I couldn't tell you one player's name even with a gun to my head.


6. As a defenseman, I'll assume that's a rhetoric question. Hard yes!

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2 minutes ago, mmrs617 said:

1. I'm very happy with Kurt's season. He definitely expected my expectations, especially in points.


2. Great GM, keeps a good mood in the locker room, keep guys engaged, made good moves at the deadline. Nothing bad to say about the guy.


3. I think we're a great 2-way team, we score goals and we can shut down defensively. We need to keep hitting them until they can't score anymore and we'll win.


4. Slava Kovalenko is a strong contender in my opinion, great at both ends of the ice, 1st in points for dmen, 4th in blocked shots. It's probably gonna be one of the flashy offensive players that put up more points, but Slava is my pick.


5. Kurt does the playoff beard, but other than that not really, just keep preparing every day like in the regular season, especially after a successful one like this, up the intensity on the ice to skate faster and hit harder.


6. Europe, especially France and Germany. We've got everything from plains to mountains, hot and cold, historical monuments, beautiful castles, best place in the world.

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1. Definitely exceeded my expectations. I was seriously just hoping to crack 20 points and with Slava not only finishing with 89 but also finishing as the VHLM defenseman points leader, I was for sure surprised.

2. Amazing, inspiring

3. I think we have to continued adjusting to whatever comes our way. when something hasn't worked, we've corrected it, tried something new and the playoffs isn't a time to get complacent.

4. I would have to say Ozzy or Clapper.

5. Slava always talks to his family before each game, be it text or a video call.

6. That's really hard but after having lived in the Pacific Northwest for a long time, some of the things I saw while on the water can't be beat.

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16 hours ago, mmrs617 said:


1. I was really happy to be able to contribute as much as I did. 8 points in 16 games was a nice start.


2.  I think he handled his first season like a veteran. Obviously the team is in a great spot and he's been communicative and encouraging. Great job!


3. Keep working hard because the Reapers are going to be a tough out.


4. So many great performances and great players that were vital to their team's success. Going off the wall a bit, but I don't thing Mexico gets in the playoffs with the league's 4th worst offense without Chazz Michael Michaels in net.


5. None yet!


6. Gotta go with Switzerland. Top of the bucket list!

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1. We're down in our series. No matter how it goes, was this season a success.


2. How do you feel about the end of the VHLE?


3. Will your plan for you player change now that the E is gone?


4. Which VHL team is best set up for the future?


5. Which stadium seats are worse, behind someone who's really tall, or way back in the highest seats?


6. What's the best pump up music?



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1. We're down in our series. No matter how it goes, was this season a success.

I would agree with that. We still worked hard and got pretty far so I think we have a lot to build upon.


2. How do you feel about the end of the VHLE?

I don't know how to feel about it, honestly. I was looking forward to moving up, but it also makes sense not to have it and I also get to stay here for another season, which I really like!


3. Will your plan for you player change now that the E is gone?

Nope. Still going to be grinding and getting that max earning.


4. Which VHL team is best set up for the future?

Really hard to say at this point honestly.


5. Which stadium seats are worse, behind someone who's really tall, or way back in the highest seats?

Behind someone tall. As a short person, I can attest that it's the worst.


6. What's the best pump up music?

Depends on my mood, but if I need to get something done quickly, I usually throw on some Symphonic Metal, like Nightwish, Epica or Avantasia.

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2 minutes ago, mmrs617 said:

1. We're down in our series. No matter how it goes, was this season a success.


2. How do you feel about the end of the VHLE?


3. Will your plan for you player change now that the E is gone?


4. Which VHL team is best set up for the future?


5. Which stadium seats are worse, behind someone who's really tall, or way back in the highest seats?


6. What's the best pump up music?



1. I'd say it was a success. Kurt played very well and exceded my expectations and we had a really good regular season. It was also a good first season for our GM who made some good trades. I think we're setup to be good next season.


2. Being a first gen I don't really have an opinion about the VHLE. I like the idea of spending a little more time with the guys your player 'grow up' with in the VHLM, changing team only to go to the VHL.


3. I don't plan to change anything about how I'm gonna develop Kurt, he's slowly but surely becoming a good defenseman that I can be proud of, I just plan on keeping him on the current steady pace.


4. I don't follow the VHL so I don't know.


5. I've never been in an NHL size arena, but in a smaller one I've been on the last ring of seats and the view was nice, being high up gives you and overview of the whole ice and it's kinda cool. Being behind someone very tall is way more annoying, you can't see anything.


6. I'm a metal guy, there are a lot of good choices, Sabaton is epic and gets you ready to fight, but there are some other high energy bands that are super fun like Alestorm, Gloryhammer or even Electric Callboy that are great to pump  up the mood.

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