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Reflecting out loud


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Saturday morning, I am standing in my living room. As I look outside the window I see dark clouds and rain, an accurate reflection of what I feel deep within myself. I woke up realizing I had already done 6 TPE worth of supplemental tasks this week,  the hard-hitting analysis on Osama Bin Laden joining VHL was all for nothing.  During these moments I am reminded that it is me who is ultimately in charge of this operation. As much as I would like to blame someone else,  it is up to me to make sure I reach the weekly 12 TPE cap the right way.  As I reflect out loud, a team of writers write down each word that I say. And when I say a team of writers - I mean my wife. This is the process. This is how most of my content is created. I follow the VHL to keep up with the latest events, sometimes she also reads articles around the forum and looks at the transactions, etc, and then we get together to brainstorm and write. Quite often I leave smaller tasks such as claiming the TPE for my wife to do because after each writing session I am tired and I need to rest my voice.


I would like to take this moment to examine the regular season index. I can not help but wonder if someone happens to see me; do they think I am filming them with my phone? Should I turn my back to the window, or maybe I should hold my phone at a different angle? Moscow Menace has started the season pretty well, from four games we have two wins. The losses were one-goal losses against Davos and Riga. In both games, we were right there in terms of shots and chances created, but the other team managed to score one more goal. In all fairness, in the Davos game they scored an empty net goal and then we scored once after that, so perhaps that was not as close as the Riga game, but for a start, this has been pretty solid. The roster has gone through big changes from last year's team. We got franchise-level rookies joining the big league and familiar names were traded to other teams.  Against that background, the early days are more of a mystery than normal. Speaking of mysteries, what happens to butterflies and bees when the rain pours down hard? If they are not able to find shelter - do they get killed by the rain?


It is tough to say just what kind of regular season Moscow will end up having, but if and when we keep working on our game, and every player keeps progressing, I think Moscow has all the tools to win the championship. We still have leading players in net, in defense, and offense, solid pieces to build around. I think it is fair to say Moscow will have a stronger last half of the season purely from so many chances in the roster and from younger players still getting familiar with the VHL hockey.


Dictated but not read,


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