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A Howl In The Night


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Review: It's been a while since I've done a review, so here it goes! The first thing that sticks out to me is the great use of layers with the Vancouver logo in the background, which really makes the piece pop and catch the eye without drawing attention away from the renders, which I believe is a delicate balance that you pulled off perfectly! The jersey logo swap is clean and I love the little fabric texture that you added to give it that extra depth! I'm also always a sucker for VHL shield swaps, so overall, a super clean graphic that's simple yet so effective. If there's one small nitpick that I have, it's that I believe you could've erased the sponsor from the jersey so it doesn't distract from the Wolves logo as well as the sponsors on the helmets. Awesome job as always and as usual, I can't wait to see what you create next, Subject! Score: 9/10

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