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Harumpf Holds Interview



Oskars Harumpf live via Sattelite talks about joining the Helskinki Titans.


We're joined today by the newest member of the Helsinki Titans, Oskars Harumpf. Before we bring him on, let's give you a quick recap of who he is. Harumpf is a 5'5" 250 playmaking center from Middelfart Denmark. He came to the VHL 2 seasons ago and was claimed off waivers by Saskatoon. He was then taken 4th overall by Bratislava in the VHLM dispersal draft and 6th overall by Helsinki in the VHL draft. Last season in Bratislava he won the Founder's Cup and also the Oates Trophy as the player with the most assists in the entire VHLM (130), good for 5th all-time. He also was named to team Scandinavia in the S40 World Cup and helped them win Silver. As if that wasn't enough he was just named Assistant Captain for Helsinki as a rookie. Quite a ride for Oskars Harumpf, he joins us now;


Media: Oskars, can you hear us?


Harumpf: Hello? Hey, yes I can hear you, thanks for having me (adjusts earpiece).


Media: Oskars it's been quite a ride for you since you came over from Denmark, did you ever imagine you'd find this much success here?


Harumpf: It's really been an amazing ride and I've been very blessed. I wasn't even sure I'd make it in this league and then to have won the cup and had everything else happen, it's really been something special. I've enjoyed it tremendously.


Media: Before we talk about the upcoming season in Helsinki, tell us how you felt winning the cup and the Oates Trophy this past season in Bratislava.


Harumpf: Man it was a lot of fun. We had a great group of guys there and we really put together an awesome season. Coming back from down 0-2 in the finals to win 4 in a row is an experience I will never forget. I had a great time and learned a lot. The Oates trophy was a nice bonus at the end of the year and it's cool to have my name in the top 5 of all time, but I owe a lot to my teammates. Without them I wouldn't have been able to win anything.


Media: Yeah one of your wingers Sachimo Zoidberg had an exceptional season. Some say it was mainly because of you, do you think that's true?


Harumpf: (laughs) no I don't think so, he's a great player and has a wicked shot, we defiintely had great chemistry out there, but I think he would have still scored a lot of goals if he wasn't on my wing. Probably not AS many, but still quite a few (winks).


Media: How about Scandinavia, how did it feel to make that team and go to the finals?


Harumpf: It was a cool experience and an honor for sure. I never expected to make it and didn't even know I did until my GM in Helsinki sent me a text (laughs). It was fun to get to know all those guys and we had an awesome run. I look forward to hopefully playing with them again in the future.


Media: Now how about Helsinki, you were just named Assistant Captain as a rookie, how does that make you feel?


Harumpf: Incredible. What an honor. I mean I'm really grateful to management and my new teammates for showing confidence in me. They've really made me feel at home and knowing they see that kind of potential in me is just going to make me work that much harder. I can't wait to get going.


Media: What do you expect from your rookie season in the VHL? Any idea who you'll be playing with?


Harumpf: I just want to come in and help the team win, hopefully set up some goals and not make too many mistakes out there. Winning and making the post-season is my #1 goal. As for lines, I was told I'd be playing 2nd line, center and sometimes wing with James Faraday and Tyson Stokes. Both are incredible players and I can't wait to get on the ice with them. Should be a lot of fun.


Media: Nice. Do you think you have a shot at rookie of the year with guys like Zoidberg, 3Moons and Klose also making the jump to the VHL this season?


Harumpf: I'm not too worried about it. I played with Zoidberg and 3Moons last season, both are great players, I taught them a few things so yeah they probably have a good shot at it. Klose I don't know too well, but I heard he's pretty good. I'm sure they'll be a few other names in the mix also. I'll be happy to just be considered.


Media: Well we think you have a great shot at it Harumpf, best of luck in Helsinki this season and in your career.


Harumpf: Thanks a lot guys, have a good one.



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Content: 2.75/3

It was good for what it was, but it kind of felt way to simplified and boring. Could of added a bit more pop to the answers instead of just a couple of really simple answers.


Grammar: 2/2 Just a few comma errors and a missing unit for weight. Almost dropped to 1.75, so try to clean it up a bit for next time.

Harumpf is a 5'5", 250 lb, playmaking center

Middelfart, Denmark

As if that wasn't enough, he

Oskars, it's been 


Appearance:  .75/1

Organized neatly but could of used a picture.


Total: 5.5/6

Edited by twillcox94
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Appearance:  .75/1

Organized neatly but could of used a picture.



Thanks for notes. I have a nice picture at the top, perhaps that did not display for you? Color scheme matches the blue wording in the title and article body.

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  • Senior Admin

Content: 3/3

Nice article Harumpf :D Glad to have you up on the Titans and I think you're going to have a ballin' rookie season. Keep up the good work my friend! 


Grammar: 2/2

Nicely done.


Appearance: 1/1

There was a lot of text between the first picture and the end, but you formatted it nicely so I don't think it's an issue.


Overall: 6/6

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