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The day after Titus Cunningham received a call from Miami GM, @Ricer13, he was standing on the ice in Miami, ready to go. The Marauders' management found a flight out of the closest airport to Cunningham and had him geared up before he could even say hello to the rest of the team. While Titus was sometimes called, "Titus the Titan" due to his stature and build, he felt as small as a mouse in his first practice. He shared after the practice, "I've never been on a team before, and these guys are deep into their season already. I sort of feel like an intruder, out of place, and like I'm not really supposed to be here. But, I've been assured multiple times that's not the case. All I know right now is that yesterday I was changing the oil in my '72 C10, and today I'm a professional hockey player. I just hope the VHLM remembers this one thing about me, you can take the man out of the holler, but you can't take the holler out of the man. I don't mean that to come off as bragging, but to explain why I am the way that I am. I'm unorthodox, but incredibly focused. I know the Miami management will not regret bringing me on."



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