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Pompeii Sour Grapes





Introducing your S97 Pompeii Sour Grapes



Harry Callahan @dstevensonjr

Leonard Triller @Triller

Riley Martin @Smarch

Pombo @samx

Ronald Johnson MacWallace III @RJMW

Pelayo Bolivar @SMYLS4



Felicia Hardy @JCarson

River Harrington @kirbithan

Mikko Tuomala @flyersfan345

Ronan Amnon @Breeze837

Krister Von Casar Tzesar @comrade cat

Additional Pylons @courtjestr19


Jorgen Lovstrom @Pifferfish

Ash Sparks @DarkSpyro



PSG Captains

Harry Callahan - "C"

Felicia Hardy - "A"

Pombo - "A"



Edited by SMYLS4
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3 minutes ago, comrade cat said:

I may only get like 3 minutes of play time but I will play good in those 3 minutes 😂

You'll get more than that, don't worry. Pro-Am is always have fun first win second. And we will be doing both.

2 minutes ago, SMYLS4 said:

Do you really want to make that claim after your Pro-Am performance last season?

Yup, Halifax paid off Simon. And even if we don't win it doesn't mean you will 👀

9 minutes ago, sadie said:

Yup, Halifax paid off Simon. And even if we don't win it doesn't mean you will 👀

We paid off Josh not Simon. Our pockets don’t run that deep. 

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