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Claimed:Benjamin Zeptenbergs


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Benjamin Zeptenbergs - The Lazy Gladiator





Position: Left Wing

Age: 18

Shoots: Left

Height: 6'1''

Weight: 173

Birthplace: Latvia


The 173 pound cruiserweight was born in Latvia. He is a only kid in a family, which consists of: his father Māris Zeptenbergs - a computer programmer; his mother Mārīte Zeptenberga - a baker in ''Latvijas Maiznieks'' bakery; and Benjamin himself.


On December 9, 2014 Minot Gladiators team has claimed Benjamin Zeptenbergs. At first glance this decision from Gladiators General manager was too risky - for Benjamin it was FIRST professional contract. So we just excepted that Benjamin's first season will be failure due to his inexperience. Well, let's see his VHLM league stats:




Games Played: 55

Goals: 35

Assists: 51

Points: 86

+/-: -10

PIM: 37

Hits: 117

Shots: 380


Very respectable 86 points in 55 games. And he is currently sixth in left wingers top. So we all seeing that he has a lot of talent. Will Benjamin be able to handle his talent? We will be find out in next 1-2 seasons.







Assisting.  Although Benjamin is not training his passing skills, he has the most helpers, than anybody in Gladiators team - 51. Yes, he was able to reach this number because of his teammate's, Marcus Bjorkstrand's scoring abilities. But in my opinion, 51 assists is still great for VHLM rookie. 


Defence. He has 66 shots blocked - good stats for offensive player. Only Cap'n Crunch has more hits. This fact is little bit unexcepted because before the start of VHLM regular season Benjamin said and I quote: ''I want to score. Yes, defence is an important thing in hockey game . But the most important for offensive player is scoring! So...I hope that my next team will have at least 3-4 defenders *laughs*.'' Maybe through in this season, Benjamin finally realised that he was very wrong and he started to think more about the defence.


Discipline. I am not saying that his 37 PIM is perfect stats for offensive player, but let's be honest - it could be worst here. He tries to be accurate during these games and he is doing a good job.



We will hope that Benjamin will continue to develop his strengths. But now: his cons.







Work Ethic.  Oh My God! Can we find the more laziest person in this league, than Benjamin Zeptenbergs? Maybe. But look at his training - even turtle can skate faster than Benjamin in training area. 10 minutes of slow skating, 5 minutes of shooting...THAT'S IT! Man, this is awful. He needs to change his attitude if he wants to be a VHLM and then a VHL league star. 


Skating. He has taken 226 hits in 55 games. It is too much for winger, to be honest. He has taken so much hits because of his bad skating abilities. Yes, he tries to improve his skating skill during the games (too bad that he is not doing much in training area), but at this moment, he is still considered as a slow skater.


Defence, Yes, he was able to register 66 blocks. But he still is not perfect in defensive game. And here is the proof: -10 coefficient. In Gladiator's situation, the best motto for this team is: ''The best defence is a good defence''. And I am feeling that Benjamin is not following to this motto strictly. Let's hope that he will think more about his defensive flaw.




Future?  I believe that Benjamin have what it takes to be a future star in both VHLM and VHL league. But now he is only a B+ player in this league because of his work ethic - his main flaw. If he  will finally realise that he can't play the hockey game without hard work, he WILL be a star.





597 words; pros and cons - 373 words
Edited by Flocka -_-
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  • Senior Admin

Overview: 2/2

Nice job, you provided all the necessary background information and did a good job explaining it.


Pros & Cons: 3/3

Nice job. Realistic pros and cons and you explained them fairly well. Hopefully you can improve your work ethic but this article is a step in the right direction.


Grammar: 0.75/2 

There is a lot wrong with the grammar here, and I didn't write down all of it. I presume English isn't your first language? The main issue was missing words (I'm guessing you used a translator) and a lot of strange sentences. Ask your general manager or a teammate to help proof-read your articles in the future. 


a only kid = an only child

Gladiators General manager = the Gladiators General Manager

excepted = accepted

we all seeing = we are all seeing

for VHLM rookie = for a VHLM rookie

unexcepted = unexpected

through in this season = throughout this season(?)

could be worst = could be worse

even turtle = even a turtle


Presentation: 1/1

Looks good.


Overall: 6.75/8

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Overview 2/2 - Good job giving us a solid amount of background info to let us know, generally, who the fuck you are :)

Pros & Cons 3/3 - solidly written and realistic. I do kind of wish they were longer, but you met the quota.

Grammar 0.5/2 - Draper nailed all of the obvious grammar mistakes. The constant mistakes really made this one hard to read.

Presentation 1/1 - Really well done. Looks pretty :)

Overall- 6.5/8

Final- 7/8

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